Fort Sumpter
1st major battle of civil war
Generals: Robert Anderson & P. G.T Beaureguard
Who won: Confederacy
Significance: No deaths in battle -
1st Bull Run
Generals: Grant & Robert Lee
Who won: Confederacy
Significance: 1st major battle in Virginia -
Generals: Beaurguard, Grant, & Sidney Johnson
Who won: Union
significance: Bloodiest battle -
2nd Bull Run
Generals: Robert Lee, John Pope, & Stonewall Jackson
Who won: Confederacy
significance: It was the winning battle in Civil war -
Generals: George & Robert Lee
Who won: Union
Significance: alot of lives lost -
Generals: Robert Lee & Bumside
Who won: Confederacy
Significance: Largest and bloodiest battle -
Generals: Robert Lee & Stonwall Jackson
Who won: Confederacy
Significance: Jackson killed by own men -
Generals: Grant & Pemberton
Who won: Union
Significance: Confederate surrendered -
Generals: Robert Lee & Grant
Who won: Union
Significance: Major turning point in Civil war -
Sherman's March
Generals: Sherman & Beauguard
Who won: Union
Significance: Led to the capturing on Sept. 2 -
Generals: Robert Lee & Grant
Who won: Union
Significance: Confederacy surrendered and it ended the Civil war