Civil War Battles

By GRC015
  • Fort Sumter

    Fort Sumter
    Started the Civil War, and scared the Union, so they recruited troops. Several new states seceded from the Union giving the Confederacy 11 states in total.
  • Bull Run/Manassas

    Bull Run/Manassas
    This battle inspired the Southerners confidence once again, that they could win against the Union's. This battle also, kept the Union from going after Richmond.
  • Fort Donelson

    Fort Donelson
    Grant became a hero of this battle, and the Confederate soliders commanders escape. Grant’s victory ensured that Kentucky would remain in the Union and helped open up Tennessee to future Union advances.
  • U.S.S Monitor vs. C.S.S Virginia

    U.S.S Monitor vs. C.S.S Virginia
    This battle marked the end of the wooden naval vessels (ships). Was the 1st battle where the ironclad ships used in war.
  • Shiloh

    The South lost control of the Mississpi Valley. It was the bloodiest battle of where 20,00 Confederate soldiers died. Confederates surrounded the Union troops and captured, killed, or wounded most.
  • Shnandoah

    Captured more than 2,000 troops, anhd 10,00 rifles went towards the Conferacy.