Fort Sumter
April 10, 1861 - April 14, 1861
On April 10, 1861, Geeral Beauregard, in command of the provisional Confederate forces at Charleston, South Carolina, demanded the surrender of the Union garrison of Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor. On April 12, 1861, the Confederates began open fire at 4:30 AM. On April 13, 1861, Major Anderson surrendered Fort Sumter, evacuating the garrison on the following day. On April 14, 1861, one Union artillerist was killed and three wounded. (one mortally) -
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The Civil War Battles
Battle of Bull Run
July 21 - July 22 1861
General McDowell, commander of Union army, attacked the Confederate forces just northeast of Manassas Junction. McDowell's forces began by shelling across Bull Rin, while Ford and his forces slowly make their way to attack the Confederates left flank. Despite their organized plan, the Confederates won the battle, but are too unorganized to press their advantages to pursue to the Yankees. -
Battle of Shiloh
April 6- April 7 1862
Battle of Shiloh was the second great engagement of the American Civil War. Confederate generals surprised attacked on U.S. Grants in Southwest Tennessee. -
Antietam Creek
September 17-September 18 1862
Generals Robert E. Lee and George McClellan battled near Antietam creek in Maryland. This is the first American Civil War battle fought on northern soil. This day remains the bloodiest single day, with more than 22,000 casualties. Because of the Union claiming victory, it provided the Lincoln administration enough justification to issue a preliminary Emancipation Proclamation. -
Battle of Fredericksburg
December 11-December 15 1862
The Battle of Fredericksburg was one of the largest and deadliest battles of the Civil War. This was the first urban combat in the war. There were nearly 200,000 combatants. The army of the Potomac suffered nearly 12,600 casualties, while Lee’s army only suffered 5,300 losses. About 6 weeks after the battle Lincoln removed Burnside from command of the Army of the Potomac. -
April 30-May 6 1863
Major General Joseph Hooker lost to General Lee leading to a Confederate victory in the Battle of Chancellorsville. General Hooker had a total of 17,197 casualties for the Union, while General Lee only had 13,303 total casualties for the Confederates. -
The Battle of Gettysburg
July 1-July3 1863
At the Battle of Gettysburg, General Meade, of the Union Army, won victory over General Lee of the South. There were approximately 20,000 more Union troops than Confederate troops. The Confederate casualties were estimated to be between 22,000 and 25,000, while the Union casualties were about 23,040. Lincoln hoped that this battle would be the one to end the war. -
May 18-July 4 1863
The Battle of Vicksburg is known as the “turning point” of the Civil War. There were a total of 4,835 casualties under the command of General Grant and Porter, of the North. There were 3,202 killed or wounded and 29,495 captured soldiers under the control of General Pemberton, of the South. This battle was a win for the Union. -
Chickamauge Battle
September 19-September 20 1863
Bragg’s men repeatedly attack the Union left, anchored with a large Union corps led by George Thomas. The rebels were able to burst through a gap in the Federal troop lines and send the Union troops into a chaotic retreat north, while Rosecrans was shifting his troops. Chickamauga was the costliest battle in the war’s western theater. -
Battle of the Wilderness
May 5, 1864 - May 7,1864
On the morning of May 5, 1864, the Union V Corps attacked Ewell’s Corps on the Orange Turnpike, while A.P. Hill’s corps during the afternoon encountered Getty’s Division (VI Corps) and Hancock’s II Corps on the Plank Road. At dawn on May 6, Hancock attacked along the Plank Road, driving Hill’s Corps back in confusion. By the morning on May 7, the two armies had ended up where the begun, 48 hours earlier. -
The Battle of Spotsylvania victory is inconclusive. General Grant and General Meade had a total 18,399 casualties for the Union, while General Lee had 13,421 casualties for the Confederates. On May 21, Grant disengaged and continued his advance on Richmond. -
June 15-June 18 1864
Of the Battle of Petersburg, General U.S. Grant and Major General George G. Meade of the Union lost the battle and 8,150 Union soldiers. General Lee and P.G.T. Beauregard of the Confederate claimed victory, but lost 3,236 soldiers. -
Sherman's March
September 2, 1864 - April 26, 1865
The Confederate victory at Chickamauga in 1863 had seen off a previous Union invasion, and forced the fighting back north into Tennessee. On 26 April Johnston and Sherman met again. This time Johnston had no choice but to accept the Appomattox terms. Sherman’s great march through the Confederacy was over. -
Lincon's Assassination
April 14, 1865
On March 17, 1865, Booth informed his conspirators that Lincoln would be attending a play, Still Waters Run Deep, at Campbell Military Hospital. He had planned on capturing Lincoln on his way back form the hospital, but Booth found out that Lincoln had not gone to the play after all. After Hawk's big line, Lincoln slumped over in his rocking chair, mortally wounded. At 7:22 a.m. on April 15, 1865, Lincoln was announced dead at 56 years old.