Civil War and Reconstruction

  • The Compromise of 1850

    It called for California to be admitted as a free state and let states won over from Mexico decide the matter themselves. The compromise strengthened the Fugitive Slave Act, which punished runaway slaves and returned them to their owners.
  • The Kansas Nebraska Act

    Stephen Douglas wanted to build a railroad to the Pacific, but to do so, he had to reorganize the territory of the west. He separated the territory into Nebraska and Kansas, but the USA was upset over the issue of whether or not they'd be slave states. They attempted to solve the problem with popular sovereignty and allowed the white residents to vote on the issue. Residents from Missouri illegally crossed the borders and crossed the border and voted in the election.
  • The Dred Scott Case

    A slave named Dred Scott travelled with his master to a free state. He brought the case to court and argued that he was free and attempted a lawsuit. He lost the case because the congress declared that African Americans weren't legal citizens and couldn't file lawsuits.
  • John Brown's Attack on Harpers Ferry

    Brown and 21 other recruits led an attack on Harpers Ferry. During the attack, they seized a federal arsenal and rifle factory. They also captured many hostages. He did it to spark a slave revolt, but it wasn't successful. Six weeks after he was hung. Many northerners saw Brown as a hero.
  • Expansion of slavery in the south

    About 4 million slaves were in the south by 1860.
  • Female doctors and nurses on the Battlefield

    Mary Edwards was a military surgeon that helped the wounded. Clara Barton founded the Red Cross. Dorthea Dix helped recruit nurses and doctors.
  • Lincoln's Nomination

    The North supported Lincoln, while the South supported Breckenridge. The South believed that Lincoln wasn't qualified, and they didn't agree with his beliefs. Lincoln was an anti slavery republicans. Breckenridge was proslavery, and a southern democrat.
    Lincoln won.
  • Political Parties Break Apart

    When the US started to have more arguments regarding slavery, the Democratic party was struggling to keep itself together. When they couldn't agree on a candidate for the 1860 election, it split into Northern and Southern Democrats.
  • South Carolina Secedes

    South Carolina was the first state to secede from the US. They did so because Lincoln was elected, and they felt that was unfair.
  • The Crittenden Plan

    In order to prevent more states form seceding, John Jay Crittenden formed a compromise plan. The compromise was that the government couldn't abolish slavery in states where it already existed, and the Missouri Compromise line would go all the way to the Pacific Ocean. Slavery would be banned in the land north of the line, but south of the line they could still practice. The congress denied the plan, however.
  • The Battle of Bull Run

    Lincoln sent union forces to seize Richmond. Union officer McDowell and his troops were in Washington DC planning to attack Manassas. McDowell and his troops fought hard, but they were outnumbered.
  • Southern States Secede

    After South Carolina seceded, other southern states followed SC's example. They established a temporary government in Montgomery, AL, and created a constitution that protected slavery. They did so because they didn't like Lincoln and what he represented.
  • President Lincoln declares secession is unconstitutional

    This upset the southern states.
  • Battle of Fort Sumter

    A battle near Charleston, South Carolina. They were attacked by the SC militia. This was a sparking event in the civil war.
  • The Battle of Shiloh

    Union generals Ulysses S. Grant and William T. Sherman sailed troops up the Tennessee River. The fleet captured two key forts in Tennessee- Fort Henry and Donelson, forcing the confederates to retreat. The two day Battle of Shiloh was very bloody, and the confederates lost many people
  • The 7 Days' Battle

    This was where the Union tried to take over Richmond, VA. The union was lead by General McClellan. He pulled back because he feared he'd be outnumbered. Confederate General Lee took advantage of this and took back Richmond. This was a big win for the Confederates.
  • The Emancipation Proclamation

    Lincoln issued the emancipation proclamation. This said that any slaves in southern rebel states were free.
  • The Battle of Vicksburg

    Admiral David Porter brought a group of gunboats and barges through the confederate forces at Vicksburg. After, they marched northeast and cut off Vicksburg from the east. They won 5 battles and captured 6000 prisoners. The victory gave the union control of the Mississippi valley and cut the confederacy in two.
  • The Battle of Gettysburg

    These troops invaded PA to bring down the Union's moral. In the beginning they drove the union troops to retreat, but then reinforcements came and stationed themselves on Cemetery Hill. When Lee decided to attack, the union fought back and killed half of the confederate's troops. Then the confederate troops retreated. This gave the union an advantage.
  • The Conscription Act

    Men between the age of 20 and 45 were drafted into the military, but in the north you could pay a $300 fine to get out of of the draft. In the south the fine was $500, but if you owned 20+ slaves, you were exempt. This divided the rich and the poor.
  • African American's wages are raised.

    Black Americans are finally granted equal pay in American military units.
  • The Freedmen's Bureau

    This was a bureau of refugees and freedmen. This helped former slaves and poor white southerners. It provided medicine, food, and clothing to people displaced by the war. It also helped settle disputes between freed slaves and former slave owners.
  • Period: to

    Presidential Reconstruction.

    President Johnson took over Reconstruction plans himself.
  • The battle of Appomattox

    Alexander Stephens met with Lincoln to negotiate the end of the war, but battle broke out because Lincoln wanted full surrender of the confederacy and Stephens refused. The union surrounded Lee's troops by the Appomattox courthouse. This forced lee to surrender.
  • Revival of the Klu Klux Klan

    After black men gained voting rights, the Klan decided to try to preserve the social and political power of the white man. They terrorized black people, tortured, and even lynched them. They also burnt down their buildings and churches.
  • Black Codes taken away

    These were laws passed by southern states after the civil war to limit black people's freedom. They were taken away during the reconstruction.
  • Civil Rights act of 1866

    This bill gave full equality and citizenship to every race and color.
  • Reconstruction acts of 1867

    This put congress in charge of the reconstruction instead of the President. They did so because they thought the president was being too lenient with the southern states.
  • The election of General Grant

    General Grant won the 1868 presidential race because both parties felt he would be a good fit and compromise. However he was corrupt and not a good leader.
  • The creation of the 15th amendment

    This allowed all men to vote without a poll tax, no matter their race.
  • The Panic of 1873

    This was an economic crisis triggered by railroad and bank failures.
  • Grant is Reelected

    While he wasn't a great president, he was a better option than the corrupt Greely.
  • Compromise of 1877

    A deal in which Democrats agreed to make Hayes president if Republicans ended reconstruction and pulled federal troops out of the south.