Civil war

  • Civil war starts

    Civil war starts
    On April 12th 1861 The North declared war on the south. It was the first time in the countries history that states had been at war together. It started because the south wanted to have slaves and the North did not agree with that so they decided to go to war to try and abolish slavery
  • First battle at fort sumter

    Major Robert Anderson surrenders Fort Sumter to Confederate forces after two days of horrible fighting
  • Army is devolped

    Army is devolped
    Lincoln asks for a 500,000 man army. This is when people knew it was not going to be a short war
  • First battle of bull run

    The union retreats back to washington. Alot of people were watching the battle
  • New leader

    New leader
    General Robert E. Lee takes command of the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia.
  • Battle of Fredricksburg

    Battle of Fredricksburg
    One of the blodiest fights in the war. The union lost 15,000 men
  • preliminary Emancipation Proclamation

    Lincoln puts out a preliminary Emancipation Proclamation which means he intends to free all slaves
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Lincoln puts out the real Emancipation Proclamation which makes all slaves in captured territory free and orders the enlistment of black men in the army
  • Battle of Chancellorsville

    Battle of Chancellorsville
    In just three days the Rebels defeat the union even though the south lost 13,000 men and the north lost 17,000
  • Stonewall dies

    Stonewall dies
    Stonewall jackson one of the leaders of the south army is killed by one of his own men is the battle of Chancellorsville on accident
  • Gettysburg

    The bloddiest battle of the entire war, a huge game changer when the south pushes the furthest they ever had into the northern territory. But the union comes out as the winner
  • Atlanta burns

    Atlanta burns
    The union captures Atlanta and burns it to the ground
  • Slavery is banned

    The United States Congress approves the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which will abolish slavery.
  • The war is over

    The war is over
    The war ends and the Union wins so the South has to rejoin and slavery is abolished
  • Gettysburg adress

    Gettysburg adress
    President Lincoln delivers the Gettysburg adress speach
  • Lincoln is killed

    Lincoln is killed
    Lincoln is killed in ford theatre by John Wilkes Booth