Civil war art

civil war

  • Period: to

    Missouri Compromise

    President Madison. The Missouri compromise split the Louisiana territory into 2 parts. The north side exept in Missouri was a free state and the south side were slave states.
  • Abolition

    The movement to abolish slavery, became the most important of a series of reform movements in America.
  • Santa Fe Trail

    Santa Fe Trail
    Settlers and traders who made the trip to the west used many old native american trails.
  • Harriet Tubman

    Harriet Tubman
    One of the most famous conductors was born a slave in Maryland in 1820 or 1821.
  • San Felipe de Austin

    San Felipe de Austin
    The main settlement of the colonies in Texas. It was established in 1821. it was established by Stephen F. Austin. This was made possible, because Austin had issued 297 land grants to the group that later became known as Texas's Old Three H hundred.
  • The Liberator

    The Liberator
    To deliver an uncompromising demand: immediate emancipation.
  • Mexico abolishes slavery

    Mexico abolishes slavery
    The mexicans insisted thst the texans free their slaves.
  • Nat Turner's Rebellion

    Nat Turner's Rebellion
    Turner and more than 50 followers attacked 4 plantations and killed about 60 whites.
  • Stephen F. Austin goes to jail

    Stephen F. Austin goes to jail
    He was imprisoned for insiding revolution.
  • Oregon Trail

    Oregon Trail
    The Oregon Trail stretched from independence, Missouri to Oregon City, Oregon. Many people traveled using their wagons.
  • Texas Revolution

    Texas Revolution
    Rebellion in which Texas gained its independence.
  • Manifest Destiny

    Manifest Destiny
    After the war of 1812, many americans begin to belive that thier movement westward was predistined by god.
  • Texas enters the United States

    Texas enters the United States
    Events moved quickly toward the war. Texas entered the Union.
  • Mexican-American War

    Mexican-American War
    It is from anaxing, Texas.
  • The North Star

    The North Star
    Dougless began his own antislavery newspaper and named after the star that guided runaway slaves to freedom.
  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
    Mexico agreed to the Rio Grande as the border between Texas and Mexico and ceded the New Mexico and California territories to the United States.
  • Compromise of 1850

    It has provided for popular sovereinty in New Mexico and Utah.
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Under the law, alleged fugitive slaves were not entitled to a trial by injury.
  • Underground Railroad

    They used the system of escape routes.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    Harriet Beecher Stowe published her novel Uncle Tom's Cabin, which stressed that slavery was not just a political contest, but also a great moral struggle. Expressed her lifetime hatred of slavery.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    It opened up more slave territory.
  • Dread Scott v. Sandford

    Dread Scott v. Sandford
    A major Supreme Court decision was brought a slave whose owner took him from the slave state of Missouri to free territory in Illinois and Wisconsin and back to Missouri.
  • Abraham Lincoln & Stephen Douglas Debates

    Abraham Lincoln & Stephen Douglas Debates
    The race for the U.S. Senate between Democratic incumbent and Republican challenger Congressmen. In their 2nd debate, Lincoln asked his opponent a curcial question: Could settlers of a territory vote to exclude slavery before the territory became a state?
  • John Brown's raid/Harpers Ferry

    John Brown's raid/Harpers Ferry
    The inside of a slave uprising.
  • Abraham Lincoln becomes president

    Abraham Lincoln becomes president
    He was elected president.
  • Formation of the Confederacy

    Formation of the Confederacy
    Delegates from the secessionist states met in Montgomery, Alabama where they formed the Confederate States of America.
  • Attack on Fort Sumter

    Attack on Fort Sumter
    Fort Sumter was a Union Fort on an Island in Charleston Harbour. The confederate army took the fort over and the deadly struggle between the north and south was underway.
  • Income tax

    Income tax
    A tax that takes a specified % of an individual's income.
  • Battle at Antietam

    This battle had more than 26,000 casualties and is the blooddiest single day battle in american history. The Union Army drove back the battered conferate army into Virginia.
  • Emancipation proclamation

    Emancipation proclamation
    President Lincoln issued the emancipation proclamation freeing slaves in areas behind the confederate lines. This gave the war a moral purpose to fight to free slaves and ensure no compromise was possible.
  • Battle of Bull Run

    Battle of Bull Run
    The Battle of Bull Run was a sesaw affair in the begining the Union had the upperhand the confederates held firm the renforcements helped win the first southern victory. Confederate moral sored and many confederates left the army confident the war was over.
  • Battle at Vicksburg

    Battle at Vicksburg
    Union general ulysses sgrant fought to take Vicksburg. In the spring of 1863 union troops were able to sack Jackson the capitol of Mississippi. They next went to Vicksburg and held the city under siege. The cirty fell on July 4.
  • Battle at Gettysburg

    Battle at Gettysburg
    This was the most disisive battle in the entire war. By the end the the first day of fighting 90,000 Union troops had taken the field against 75,000 confederates. The battle lasted 3 days and in the end confederate troops gave up hope and retreated to Virginia.
  • Gettysburg address

    Gettysburg address
    President Lincoln delivered a speech at the ceromony dedicated to asementary Gettysburg. This speech was said to help the country realise that was no longer a collection of individual states, but one unified nation.
  • Sherman's March

    Sherman's March
    General William Tecumseh Sherman began a Maech south east through Georgia creating a widepath of destruction. Sherman was determined to make southerners so sick of war at generations would pass away before they would again appeal to it.
  • 13th amendment

    13th amendment
    the constitutional amendment that abolished slavery.
  • Surrender at Appomattox Court House

    Surrender at Appomattox Court House
    General Lee and General Grant met at a private home to arrange a confederate surender. All confederate soldiers were sent home with their possessions and 3 days worth of rations and officiers were permitted to keep their side arms.
  • Assassination of Abraham Lincoln

    Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
    Lincoln was assanated by John Wllkes booth at fords theater in Washington. Booth was a southern sempithiser.
  • Conscription

    A draft that forced men to serve in the army.