Civil War

  • 1st Manassas

    1st Manassas
    Confederate-Brig. Gen. Joseph E. Johnston
    Union-Irvin McDowell
    Short term- Southerns were given a false hope that they could win this war shortly and swiftly. While northerners were left reeling after the hard battle resulting in their lose.
    Long term- This war was going to be a hard battle and McDowell would later be let go.
    It began the war and showed how hard this would be and the casualties that would occur.
  • 2nd Manassas

    2nd Manassas
    Confederate-Maj. Gen. James Longstreet and Maj. Gen. Stonewall Jackson
    Union-Gen. Pope's Army of Virginia
    Short term- A decisive victory for the rebels, as Lee had managed a strategic offensive against an enemy force
    Long term- A wave of despair rolled over the North with news of the battle's outcome, and morale in the army sank
    Decisive victory for the rebels
  • Shiloh

    Confederate-Albert Johnston and PGT Beauregard
    Union-Ulysses Grant and Don Carlos
    Short term-Union victory, but was the bloodiest battle.
    Long term- This was one of the chances for the confederacy to win the war, but instead destroyed the moral.
    Showed the bloody battles that could follow
  • Seven Days

    Seven Days
    Short term- Confederate army win
    Long term- Thwarted the Northern attempt to capture the Confederate capital of Richmond, Virginia. Would have gained power and resources
    It was the first major battle in the Kentucky Campaign.
  • Antietam

    Confederate-General Lee's Army of Northern Virginia
    Union-Maj. Gen. George B
    Short term- union claimed victory but stalemate.It was the bloodiest day in all of US history (both sides lost a lot of men) and 2)Lincoln was able to draft the Emancipation Proclamation
    Long term- Retain the Republic, but it would also ultimately destroy slavery.
    Antietam enabled the Union to repel the first Confederate invasion of the North
  • Vicksburg

    Confederate-Lt. Gen. John C. Pemberton's
    Union-Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant's
    Short term- Union got full control of the Mississippi river
    Long term-Shutting down the confederates trade, transportation, and military/fortifications.
    significant because it allowed the Union Army to take control of the Mississippi River
  • Gettysburg

    Union-Maj. Gen. Joseph Hooker
    Short term- severe losses, a Union victory
    Long term- Would continue to dissuade Great Britian and France from entering the war
    Union was able to gain control of the political clout of the confederates.
  • Petersburg

    Confederate-Lee's Confederate force
    Union-Grant's Union force
    Short term- Confederate win of Richmond.
    Long term- Ended the Civil War in the East.
    Crucial to the supply of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee's army and the Confederate capital of Richmond.
  • Sherman's March South (not technically a battle but important)

    Sherman's March South (not technically a battle but important)
    Confederate-Lee's Confederate force
    Union-Grant's Union forces
    Short term- Sherman himself estimated that the campaign had inflicted $100 million (about $1.4 billion in 2010 dollars) in destruction
    Long term- Frightened and appalled Southerners. It hurt morale
    His men had destroyed all sources of food and forage and had left behind a hungry and demoralized people.
  • Appomattox Court House

    Appomattox Court House
    Confederate-Robert E. Lee
    Union-Ulysses S. Grant.
    Short term- Decisive Union victory: Surrender of the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia
    Long term- One of the final battles
    It started the end if the war and finally showed what the result would be.