Kansas nabraska act
Is an act to organize the territories of Nebraska and Kansas -
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John Browns harpers ferry raid
Is was when brown and his men captured citizens and seized the federal armory and arsonal -
Abraham Lincoln is elected
It was the day when Lincoln was elected 16th president -
south carolina succeeds from the union
The left the union because they did not want to get rid of slavery -
Jefferson Davis inaugural address
He discuses his reasons he believes to be the causes of succession -
Lincoln arrives in office
Abraham Lincoln arrives in office and starts his presidency -
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the ironclad merrimac sinks 2 wooden union ships then battles the union ironclad monitor to a draw -
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surprise attack on Gen
confederates attack on gen. ulysses s grant unprepared troops at shiloh on the tennesse river results in a bitter struggle eith 13,000 people killed -
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the union army under gen. hooker is decisively defeated by lees much smaller forces -
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the tide of war turns against the south as confederates are defeated at the battle of gettysburg -
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second battle of bull run
john pope defeated 55,000 confederates under gen. -
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second battle of bull run
lee invades the north with 50,000 confederates and heads for harpers ferry -
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anti draft riots in new York city include arson and the murder of blacks by poor immigrant whites -
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a decisive confederate victory gen. -
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the rebel seige of Chattanooga as union forces under grant defeat the sige army -
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march to the sea
hoods rebel army of 23,000 is crushed at nashville by 55,000 fedrals