• War with Mexico

    President Polk went to War with Mexico because of manifest destiny. This brought on Sectionalism because the northerners disagree because they thought it was the southerners attempt to gain more slave territory.
  • Wilmots Proviso

    Davis Wilmot said to prohibit all slavery in Mexico. This Law was not passed but hurt the relationships betwween the north and south.
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    The Fugitive Slave Act allowed local people to returen escaped slavery to their masters.
  • Uncle Toms Cabin

    Uncle Tom’s showed the stark reality of slavery and is the one of the major reason causes of the Civil War.
  • The Kansas and Nebraska Act

    It is a bill that decide slavery would be allowed with new state's borders.
  • Republican Party

    The republican party in Wisconsin. This is propasal the restriction of slavert from all territories. This also is a declaration of war for the south.
  • Beating of Charles Summer

    The issue of Slavery Broke out. Congressman Brooks from the South beat Charles Sumner from the north.
  • The Dred Scott Decision

    On this day in 1857, the United States Supreme Court make a decision in the Dred Scott case, aceept the right of slave owners to take their slaves into the Western territores.
  • Freeport Doctrine

    During the eletion, Abraham Lincoln urged that the U.S could no longer have half slave and half free.