Period: to
Underground Railroads
1790~Issac Hopper helped fugitive slaves get away and started planing the underground railroad
1820~ The route to Indiana from North Carolina was created
1826~ Quakers started building secret spots so they could hide the slaves.
1844~ Created an institute so the slaves could adapted to their new lives .
1850~ Fugitive slave act got passed
1850~Harriet Tubman ran away from slavery and supported and helped to get the slaves free
1853~ many people supported it and didn't care about the law rules -
Missouri Compromise
The Missouri Compromise was to have an equal amount of slave-states and free-states. When the law got passed in 1820 , it made Missouri a free-state and Maine became a slave-state. Anyone or anything that was in Lousianna Territory now became apart of slavery .
( https://www.loc.gov/rr/program/bib/ourdocs/Missouri.html ) -
Tariff of 1828 & Nullification Crisis
Nullification Crisis separated South Carolina and the government to ineffective federal tariffs. It helped the sate have rights and restrictions on their acts. John C. Calhoun liked the crisis and he published a document "South Carolina Exposition and Protest,". After the government read the document , they re-discussed and determined to test Calhoun's theory. The government came back together and adopted the "Ordinance of Nullification".
( https://www.britannica.com/topic/nullification-crisis ) -
The Liberator is published
William Lloyd Garrison created the " The Liberator " that got published every week in the newspaper . He believed that slaves should be set free and had a strong belief about slaves. Garrison wrote about slavery weekly, he attained support and became and American abolitionists.
(http://www.accessible-archives.com/collections/the-liberator/) -
Nat Turner's Rebellion
Nat Turner was the leader of his slaves and they believed god ha d a good plan for them.On August 22,1831 , Nat went on their attack and their mission was to kill all white people that were related to slavery somehow no matter their age or size they still got killed. Turner and his men went town to town all over to kill the white people in slavery. The white military put a stop to the rebellion and killed all the men but Nat Turner.
(http://bit.ly/2qUxBOv ) -
Wilmot Proviso
The purpose of the Wilmot Proviso was to ban slavery . David Wilmot was apart of House of Representatives and he came up with the bill to ban slavery in certain territories .The bill got passed by the House of Representatives and adopted in 1846 . Most Northern people voted more than the Southern people and since there was more North representatives the bill got passed. Slavery was a problem in the south so the North and South got separated.
(http://www.ohiohistorycentral.org/w/Wilmot_Proviso) -
Compromise of 1850
The North and South disagreed about slavery and caused problems with between both states . The congress then decided to decide which land would not aloud slavery. The problem with other states wanting to become apart of the free states is that the slave and free states would then be un even. Congress came up with the territorial expansion to have an equal amount of each states.
(https://www.ourdocuments.gov/doc.php?flash=false&doc=27) -
Uncle Tom's Cabin is published
Harriet Beecher Stowe created an book " Uncle Tom’s Cabin ", that was bout slavery. Her book went viral , many of her books got sold within the first year it got published . When Abraham Lincoln read it and got to meet her he claimed she was the one that created the war that was happening. She wrote the book because she saw how slaves got treated and how they were trapped but she wanted everyone to see slavery in a different prospective.
(http://bit.ly/1OfdrVQ) -
Bleeding Kansas
The Bleeding Kansas started after the Kansas-Nebraska act got passed .The North was very upset about it and the South supported it all the way. In Kansas, the North and the South brought violence into it. Both sides got their armies and met in Kansas , neither side won but on both sides many people got shot or killed.
(http://www.history.com/topics/bleeding-kansas) -
Kansas-Nebraska Act
The Missouri Compromise got replaced by the Kansas-Nebraska act , this allowed Nebraska and Kansas to let slavery in or not. The act made people in the North angry but in the South they loved it. Kansas-Nebraska act got passed and caused more problems with the North and the South . In Kansas , the North and the South started a small war against each other.
(http://www.historyplace.com/lincoln/kansas.htm) -
Brooks-Sumner Event
It all started when Senator Charles Sumner stated that Kansas should be apart of the free or slave state. During his speech he used Stephen Douglas of Illinois and Andrew Butler of South Carolina has examples of criminals.Brooks went to find Sumner after the meeting and then Brooks hit Sumner in the head with an metal cane. Brooks left him to lay there and bleed then the next day Brooks resigned. When Sumner got better, he then went back to the Senate.
(http://bit.ly/1vJmAwD) -
Dred Scott Decision
Dred Scott was a slave and traveled/passed from state to state. Dred was determined to get out of slavery , he wasn't giving up until he got his freedom. He sued to get freedom and eleven years later he finally got a court date. The court believed once he returned to Missouri it would not make him free . They also stated the Congress didn't have the right to forbid slavery , it was against the Fifth Amendment.
(http://www.ushistory.org/us/32a.asp) -
Lincoln-Douglas debates
These were debates between Stephen A.Douglas and Abraham Lincoln over expansion of slavery in territories.When Lincoln got permission to run against Douglas, he stated slavery and freedom can't be equal forever.Douglas didn't like what Lincoln said and Douglas stated the union should stay the same.Then they agreed to do many debates and Douglas would bring up the violence slavery brought . Lincoln would back it up with all the states being equal and how it isn't right .
(http://bit.ly/2wyRRXL) -
John Brown's Raid on Harper's Ferry
In the town of Harper's Ferry, John Brown took a little army to attack.His idea was too kill the leading people in slavery and get slaves to escape in the south.John and his army would go to a slave area or building and some of the army would go get slaves but others would be on guard or go kill people.The Lieutenant from Wisconsin sent his armies to go arrest John Brown.Lieutenant's armies caught John and his army.John later got trailed and got hung on December 2nd,1859.
(http://bit.ly/1HVxN2u) -
Election of 1860
The election was over slavery against the Northern democrats and the Southern Democrats. Abraham Lincoln was apart of the Northern democrats and John C. Breckinridge,Stephen A. Douglas, and John Bell were all apart of the Southern democrats. Abraham believed slavery was wrong and it shouldn't expand .The Southerns didn't like what Abraham said, they believed slavery was good and relied on it.They both had there reasons but Abraham won his battle and slavery didn't change.
(http://bit.ly/2zh2Ab6) -
Period: to
Secession Of southern States
12/20,1860~South Carolina drops from the union and declared it can't be equal of freedom and slavery.
1/9,1861~Mississippi drops from the union and their commissioner threatened them to chose between slavery and freedom with consequences for both
2/11,1861~Alabama drops from the union and declared more political rights and wrongs.
2/1,1861~Texas drops from the union and declared everyone was equal.
2/4,1861~All the seceded states had a meeting.
2/8/1861~A Confederate Constitution got adopted -
Fort Sumter is fired upon
Due to an election , slavery became the problem again .Southern states dropped out of their union and didn't want heir rights taking away so they didn't talk to the government .All seven of the Southern states then became apart of the Confederate States of America. With this union they still had their rights but Charleston didn't like what happened. On April 12,1861, Charleston went to Fort Sumter and started shooting and bombing .
(https://www.civilwar.org/learn/civil-war/battles/fort-sumter) -
Invention of the cotton gin
In 1974 , Eli Whitney created the cotton gin that was a machine made cotton production was faster and easier. Whitney had problems with the patent so the money he made wasn't very much. In the South , the cotton gin increased the work for slaves .
( http://www.history.com/topics/inventions/cotton-gin-and-eli-whitney )