Civil War

By Tommeh!
  • slave codes

    Kept the Slaves oppressed and let to the civil war occurring
  • Slavery

    The whole reason the war was being fought
  • Abolitionist 19th century

    White citizens helping slaves escape their captivity enraged the southern planters
  • Fort Sumter 1812

    The first battle of the civil war.
  • Kansas Nebraska act 1854

    Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854) Officially titled "An Act to Organize the Territories of Nebraska and Kansas," this act repealed the Missouri Compromise, which had outlawed slavery above the 36 30' latitude in the Louisiana territories.
  • Dred Scott decision 1857

    The Dred Scott decision was the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling on March 6, 1857, that having lived in a free state and territory did not entitle an enslaved person, Dred Scott, to his freedom. In essence, the decision argued that, as someone’s property, Scott was not a citizen and could not sue in a federal court.
  • John Brown 1859 October 16

    He raided harpers fairy
  • Secession of south Carolina 1860

    South Carolina became the first state to secede from the federal Union on December 20, 1860. The victory of Abraham Lincoln in the 1860 presidential election triggered cries for disunion across the slaveholding South. The secession of South Carolina precipitated the outbreak of the American Civil War in Charleston Harbor on April 12, 1861.
  • Election of 1860

    Lincoln's victory led the south to secede from the union in an attempt to keep their slaves and become their own society
  • The south seceding from the union 1860

    The Union fought too also regain the south as a part of the US.