Civil war

Civil War 1861-1865

  • Jefferson Davies

    Jefferson Davies
    The Confederate States of American is formed with Jefferson Davies as president.
  • Abraham Lincoln as President.

    Abraham Lincoln as President.
    Abraham Lincoln becomes the 16th president.
  • The Civil war begins.

    The Civil war begins.
    The South attacks Fort Sumpter, South Carolina and that starts the war.
  • Proclamation of Blockade

    Proclamation of Blockade
    President Lincoln issues a Proclamation of Blockade against southern ports.
  • First Bull Run

    First Bull Run
    Irvin McDowell suffers a defeat at Bull Run twenty-five miles south of Washington.
  • Abraham appoints George

    Abraham appoints George
    Abraham Lincoln appoints George B. McClellan as commander of the Department of the Potamic
  • Diplomatic Crisis

    Diplomatic Crisis
    President Lincoln has a diplomatic crisis as two confederate officials sail toward England and then are seized by the U.S. Navy.
  • General War order number 1

    General War order number 1
    President Lincoln issues a General War order No.1 called for all naval and land forces to begin a general advance by George Washington's birthday.
  • Death

    President Lincoln's son died, probably because of the polluted water at the White house. He was eleven years old.
  • Suprise attack

    Suprise attack
    Confederate launches a surprise attack on General Ulysses S. Grant't unprepared troops in front of Richmond and defeats them.
  • The Battle of Seven Pines

    The Battle of Seven Pines
    The Battle of Seven Pines as General Joseph E. Johnson's army attacks McClellan's troops in front of Richmond and defeats them.
  • The Seven Days Battle

    The Seven Days Battle
    The Seven Days Battle as Lee attacks McClellan near Richmond with very heavy losses for both armies.
  • The Second Battle of Bull Run

    The Second Battle of Bull Run
    75,000 Federals under General John Pope are defeated by 55,000 Confederates under General Stonewall Jackson and General James Longstreet as the Second Battle of Bull Run,
  • Antietam

    General Robert E. Lee and the Confederate armies are stopped at Antietam in Maryland by McClellan and superior Union Forces. Many end up dead, wounded, or missing.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    Abraham Lincoln issues the Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation freeing slaves.
  • General Ambrose E. Burnside

    General Ambrose E. Burnside
    The president replaces McClellan with General Ambrose E. Burnside as the new Commander of the Army of the Potomac.
  • Fredricksburg

    The Potomac army under General Burnside suffers defeat at Fredricksburg in Virginia.
  • The Final Emancipation Proclamation

    The Final Emancipation Proclamation
    President Lincoln issues the final Emancipation Proclamation freeing all slaves held by the Confederates and emphasizing all black soldiers in the Union Army.
  • Capturing Vicksburg

    Capturing Vicksburg
    General Grant is placed in command for the Army of the West with orders to capture Vicksburg.
  • The Battle of Chancellorsville

    The Battle of Chancellorsville
    Between May 1-4, the Union Army under General Hooker is defeated by Lee's smaller forces at the Battle of Chancellorsville.
  • Stonewall Jackson Dies

    Stonewall Jackson Dies
    Stonewall Jackson dies from his wounds with the South suffering a huge blowout.
  • Gettysburg

    July 1-3rd, the tide of the war turn against South as the Confederates are defeated at the Battle of the Gettysburg in Pennsylvania.
  • Chickamauga

    September 19/20, Confederate victory by General Bragg's army of Tennessee at Chickamauga which leaves General William's Union Army of the Cumberland trapped in Chattanooga, Tenessee.
  • Chattanooga

    November 23-25th, The rebel seige of Chattanoogs ends as Union forces under General Grant defeat the army of General Braxton Bragg.
  • General Grant

    General Grant
    President Lincoln appoints General Grant to command all armies of the United States
  • Cold Harbor

    Cold Harbor
    A mistake by General Grant results in around 7,000 casualties in 20 minutes during an offensive against fortified Rebels at Cold Harbor in Virginia.
  • Battling the Rebels

    Battling the Rebels
    In Atlanta, General Sherman's force battles the Rebels under the command of General John replaced by Johnston.
  • March to the Sea

    March to the Sea
    Sherman began a March to Sea after destroying Atlanta's warehouse's and railroad facilities.
  • Path of Destruction

    Path of Destruction
    Sherman reaches Savannah in Georgia leaving behind a path of destruction from all the way Atlanta.
  • The Thirteenth Amendment

    The Thirteenth Amendment
    The U.S Congress approved The Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.
  • Lee Surrends

    Lee Surrends
    General Robert E. Lee surrenders his army to General Ulysses S. Grant at the Village of Appomattox Court House in Virginia.
  • Lincoln Shot

    Lincoln Shot
    Lincoln and his wife Mary go to a play at Ford's theater and then John Wilkes Booth shoots Lincoln in the head.
  • Burial

    Lincoln is layed to rest in Oak Ridge Cemetery.
  • Thirteenth Amendment

    Thirteenth Amendment
    The Thirteenth Amendment is finally passed by Congress, Slavery is finally abolished.