
Civil War (1860-1867)

  • Jefferson Davis Identifies as Supporting Slavery

    Jefferson Davis Identifies as Supporting Slavery
    Mississippi Senator Jefferson Davis presents resolutions as to why slavery should be allowed in the territories. He also gave reasons as to why the nation should protect slaveholders. His intention was to unite the Democratic party.
  • Lincoln Speaks Against Slavery In Election

    Lincoln Speaks Against Slavery In Election
    Lincoln gives the Cooper Union Address, in which he validated the Federal Government banning slavery in new territories. This was Lincoln's most influential speech and many people believe it won him the presidency.
  • Hats Off To The Pony Express

    Hats Off To The Pony Express
    The Pony Express begins going from Saint Louis, Missouri to Sacremento, California. It had 119 stations that were each 12 miles apart. They made it possible for more letters to be delivered in a more timely manner.
  • the Constitutional Unmion Party

    the Constitutional Unmion Party
    The former members of the American and Whig parties meet in Baltimore and form the Constitutional Union Party, They elect John Bell to be their candidate for president and Edward Everett as candidate for vice president.
  • The Election

    The Election
    Abe Lincoln wins the 1860 election and becomes the sixtenth president of the United States.
  • The Southern Confederacy Idea

    The Southern Confederacy Idea
    Seven senators and twenty-three representatives issue a manifesto urging southern secession. It also recommends forming a Southern Confederacy.
  • Seccession

    South Carolina is the first state to secede from the Union.
  • South Carolina Decleration of Independance

    South Carolina Decleration of Independance
    South Carolina issues their "Declaration of the Immediate Causes Which Induce and Justify the Seccession of South Carolina from the Federal Union". This was South Carolina's version of the "Declaration of Independence".
  • Kansas Joins The Union

    Kansas Joins The Union
    Kansas is admitted to the Union. It is 34th U.S. state and was supposed to be a slave state. Much controversy led it to eventualy become free.
  • Birth of the Confederacy

    Birth of the Confederacy
    The Confederacy is officialy formed and Jefferson Davis is appointed its president.
  • Jefferson Davis For Confederate President

    Jefferson Davis For Confederate President
    Jefferson Davis is elected the provisional president of the Confederate States of America. He is elected at the Weed convention in Montgomery, Alabama.
  • Sworn In

    Sworn In
    Abe Lincoln is sworn in as the sixtenth president of the united States
  • Fort Sumter

    Fort Sumter
    Fort Sumter was taken over by the Confederacy. Fort Sumter is in Charleston Harbor in South Carolina.
  • Lee Rejects Lincoln

    Lee Rejects Lincoln
    Robert E. Lee, 25 year distinguished veteran of the U.S Army, is offered command of the Union Army. However, he declines as he is unable to fight against is state; thus proving, that loyalty to state is more important than loyalty to the union
  • The Union Drafts

    The Union Drafts
    Lincoln signs a Proclimation for summoning 75,000 militia men and calls for a congress meeting July 4
  • More Secession

    More Secession
    Virginia secedes from the Union, followed within five weeks by Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina.
  • Union Blockade

    Union Blockade
    Abraham Lincoln decides and tells the union navy that they will try to keep all needed supplies, like food, guns, amunition and other things the confederate solderiers would need to fight with from entering or leaving the Confederacy. The blockage of all of these supplies will make the Confederacy weak later in the war.
  • Suspension of Habeas Corpus

    Suspension of Habeas Corpus
    Lincoln suspends the writ of habeas corpus. This meant that people could now be imprisoned without being seen by a judge and told what their crimes were. Technically this is against the constitution but during a time of war it was necessary.
  • Bull Run

    Bull Run
    First battle of Bull Run...Also known as Manassas.Was the major battle of the American Civil War. After the attack of Fort Sumter the North was against the Confederate Capital. The result was Confederate took victory.
  • The Crittenden-Johnson Resolution

    The Crittenden-Johnson Resolution
    This resolution is passed by Congress to give reasoning behind going to war. It states that the war is to preserve the Union, not to end slavery.
  • Battle of Wilson's Creek

    Battle of Wilson's Creek
    This battle occured near Springfield, Missouri. This battle was a victory for the Confederates. This was the first major battle west of the Mississippi River and only lasted about 6 hours.
  • Fall of the Tennesse

    Fall of the Tennesse
    Union forces under General Ulysses S. Grant, capture Paducah, Kentucky without spilling any blood. This gives the union control of the Tennesse River.
  • George B. McClellan Becomes General of The Union

    George B. McClellan Becomes General of The Union
    Lincoln appoints George B. McClellan as commander of the Union Army, He replaces the aging Winfield Scott. This is probably Lincoln's worst decision of the entire Civil War as George always hesitated and prolonged the war.
  • USS San Jacinto

    USS San Jacinto
    This Union ship stops the United Kingdom mail ship, The Trent. They arrest two Confederate envoys, James Mason and John Slidell. This causes tension with the previously uninvolved Britain.
  • Judah Benjmamin

    Judah Benjmamin
    Jefferson Davis appoints Judah Benjmamin as his Secretary of War, This put him in charge of the Confederate army. After he resigned, Davis appointed him to Secretary of State.
  • Kentucy Joins The Confederacy

    Kentucy Joins The Confederacy
    Kentucy becomes the 13th Confederate state, This is really turning point because the Confederate states are becoming larger and larger. This also means they are gaining more power and resources.
  • the Emancipation Proclomation Comes Into Effect

    the Emancipation Proclomation Comes Into Effect
    Lincoln signs the Emancipation and officially frees 3.1 million of the nation's slaves. This document only freed slaves that were not under Union control but allowed them to serve in the Union army.
  • McClellan Ignores Lincoln

    McClellan Ignores Lincoln
    Lincoln issues the first General War Order, telling all land and sea army forces to advance. McClellan igornes this, but because of his backing Lincoln could not punish him. This prolong the war and is one of the many reasons why Lincoln firres him later on.
  • Fort Henry and Fort Donelson

    Fort Henry and Fort Donelson
    General Grant caputured two forts. One on the Tennessee river, and one on the Comber Land river. The Confederates were forced out of Kentucky. And lost much of Tennessee.
  • Greenbacks

    This was a form of paper money introduced by Lincoln. It was the unified money for the United States and was used by the Union army. This money was distributed longer then any other money.
  • Battle of the Monitor and the Merrimack

    Battle of the Monitor and the Merrimack
    The Battle of Hampton Roads was the most famous and well-known naval battle of the Civil War. It was also the first battle between two ironclad ships, the Monitor and the Merrimack. In the end neither side was declaired the winner. But this battle got nationwide attenion and also revolutionized how warships were build.
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Battle of Shiloh
    Was fought over 2 days, April 6th - April 7th 1862.
    It was fought in Tennessee and was as the first big battle to take place in the Western theater of war.
    Confederates were out numbered by 21,000 union troops.
  • New Orleans

    New Orleans
    The Capture of New Orleans by Union forces was a major turning point in the war. New Orleans was the Confederacy’s largest city, and, given its location at the mouth of the Mississippi River, a trading location with a powerful and economical port.
  • Conscrption

    Davis and the Confederate Congress approve the conscription act. This calls forward any white male ages 18 to 35 to fight for the confederate army.
  • Battle of Pea Ridge

    Battle of Pea Ridge
    This battle happened at Pea Ridge, Arkansas. This Union Victory gave the Union control of northwest Arkansas and Missouri. This allowed for stable Union movements in the northwest.
  • The Seven Days Battle

    The Seven Days Battle
    This battle took place in Henrico County, Virginia. This Confederate victory actuallly consisted of at least six battles that took place over a week. Because of this the confederacy gained a huge morale boost.
  • Internal Revenue Law

    This law would give the government funds to use towards the civil war. It put a tax on inheritance, tobacco, and incomes over $600.
  • New General In Chief

    New General In Chief
    Lincoln hands down position of general-in-chief to General Henry W. This was wise since Lincoln had very few knowledge on battle tactics.
  • African Americans in The War

    African Americans in The War
    The Union army is officially allowed to hire African Americans as laborers. This is a step in the right direction because they are on their way to becoming equal. The slaves are now allowed to help in the army that is being fought to free them.
  • Siege of Richmond

    Siege of Richmond
    General Edmund Kirby Smith, the Confederate commander in Knoxville, entered Kentucky. His Confederate troops met up with the Union troops near Richmond, Kentucky. Even thought the Confederate forces were outnumbered by a good 500 men, Kirby Smith did not back down. He knew that he needed to get Kentucky over to the Confederate side and to do that he could not back down.
  • Second Battle of Bull Run

    Second Battle of Bull Run
    This battle occured at Prince William Sound, Virginia. The Confederates won this battle, which was a lot bloodier than the first battle at this site. Because of this, many confederates believed they could win and other states decided to secede.
  • Harpers Ferry

    Harpers Ferry
    The Union General McClellan defeated Confederate General Lee at South Mountain and Crampton's Gap. but he did not move quickly enough to save Harper's Ferry, which fell to Confederate General Jackson. along with a great number of men and supplies
  • Antietam

    The battle of Antietam is the bloodiest single day battle in American history. Neither side won the war but the Confederate retreat during the battle made it a victory in Lincoln's eyes. The battle ended in a loss of 110 men.
  • The Emancipation Proclimation Plans

    The Emancipation Proclimation Plans
    Lincoln's plan for Emancipation is published in the Union newspapers. This gives the slaves hope for their freedom and even more of a reason behind the war.
  • Battle of Perryville

    Battle of Perryville
    Perryville, Kentucky was where this battle took place. This important Union victory gave the Union control of the important border state of Kentucky. This gave the north an advantage on the south.
  • Grant Issues A Bar On Jews

    Grant Issues A Bar On Jews
    Grant issues an order to bar Jewish people from serving under his command. This is horribly ironic because he is fighting to free a group of people because of the harsh treatment they are receiving. He then discriminates against another group of people simply because they have different beliefs.
  • Lincoln Hangs Natives

    Lincoln Hangs Natives
    Lincoln orders 39 Sioux Indian men to be hanged. This is ironic because he is trying to gain one group of people equality and he should be doing the same things for the Native Americans.
  • Battle of Fredericksburg

    Battle of Fredericksburg
    This battle took place at Fredericksburg, Virginia. This was a very lopsided Confederate victory with the Union losing twice as many troops as the Confederates. This was the second wind of the Southerns confidance.
  • The Battle of Stones River

    The Battle of Stones River
    This battle was at Murfreesboro, Tennessee. This Union victory gave the Union control of central Tennessee. This meant that the Union yet again took land from the South. This was a crushing blow to the south and they suffered a huge blow to their morale.
  • The National Bank Act

    The National Bank Act
    Lincoln signs the National Banking Act, making it a law. It put someone in charge of controlling currency and it led to the creation of local banks.
  • Conscription Act

    Conscription Act
    The National Conscription Act is signed forcing able bodied males aged 18-35 into joining the Union Army, The signing of this act led to the week long New York Draft Riots.
  • Battle at Chancellorsville

    Battle at Chancellorsville
    This battle took place from May 1st to May 4th, ending in a Confederate victory. Both sides lost many of their soldiers, the Union casualties were 17,500 men and the Confederate casualties were 13,000. The most devestating Confederate loss was General Stonewall Jackson.
  • Battle of Champion Hill

    Battle of Champion Hill
    Hinds County, Mississisppi is where this battle occured. This important strategic Union victory led to the Union's siege of Vicksburg in the coming months which was an extremly important victory.
  • The Vicksburg Campaign

    The Vicksburg Campaign
    Union's plans to regain control of the Mississippi River. May 22, Grant began a siege of the city. Confederate General John Pemberton surrendered, giving up the city and 30,000 men
  • Second Invasion in North

    Second Invasion in North
    Gen. E. Lee launches his second invasion in North, (75000 Confederates) which will lead to Gettsyburg. This will led to failure and the loss of the confederacy in the war.
  • Battle of Brandy Station

    Battle of Brandy Station
    Confederate Army of Northern Virginia streamed into Culpeper County after its victory at Fredericksburg. the troops seemed invincible and massed around Culpeper preparing to carry the war north into Pennsylvania. June 5, two infantry corps were camped in and around Culpeper Stuart bivouacked his cavalry troopers, screening the Confederate Army against surprise by the enemy
  • Gettysburg

    This is the largest battle of the Civil War, taking place in a field in Gettysburg, Pennyslvania. General Meade's Union forces turn back Lee's Confederates during this battle. There were 28,000 Confederate casualties and 23,000 Union casualties. This is a Union Victory
  • The Fall of Lee

    The Fall of Lee
    Following his shameful defeat at Gettysburg, General Lee sends a letter of resignation to Confederate President Jefferson Davis. Davis refuses the request.
  • The Battle of Lawrence

    The Battle of Lawrence
    This battle took place in Lawrence, Kansas, the site of much previous violence over the issue of slavery. William Qauntrill's raiders kill over 200 men and boys. The north views this as one of the most vicious atrocities of the war.
  • Thanskgiving: Cultural Irony

    Thanskgiving: Cultural Irony
    Lincoln declares Thanksgiving a national holiday to be celebrated the last Thursday in November, This holiday is to celebrate the colonists and Native Americans coming together and sharing their resources. This is ironic because during Lincoln's time the Natives were still being treated with disrespect.
  • Gettysburg Address

    Gettysburg Address
    Lincoln's speech dedicating the military cemetary at Gettysburg. The address is not very long but considered the most influential speech. It boosted Northern morale and made them feel like there was a purpose behind the war.
  • Escapees

    John Hunt Morgan, a confederate calvary leader, and some of his men escape the Ohio state prison. They escape by cutting a hole in a cell and crawling through the ventilation system. They return safetly to the South and Morgan picks up his calvary activities. Later in the war he is killed by the Union army.
  • The Start of Andersonville

    The Start of Andersonville
    The first 500 prisoners of war arrive at the Confederate prison camp, Andersonville. This was the harshest prison camp of the Civil War. Many of the men held there did not survive because of the brutal conditions faced there.
  • Coinage Act

    Coinage Act
    Congress passes the Coinage Act of 1864. This act states the the inscription "In God we Trust" must be on all coins that are to be used as US currency.
  • Conscription Hoax

    Conscription Hoax
    The New York World and the New York Journal of Commerce publish an article stating that Lincoln has drafted 400,000 more soldiers into the Union army, The public decided it was not true when they found that only two papers had published the news.
  • Ware Bottom Church

    Ware Bottom Church
    Confederate forces Beauregard attacked Butler's Bermuda Hundred line near Ware Bottom Church. After driving back Butler's advanced pickets, the Confederates constructed the Howlett Line. detach strong reinforcements for Lee's army in time for the fighting at Cold Harbor
  • Arlignton Cemetary

    Arlignton Cemetary
    The Arlington National Cemetary is established by Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton. It is created using 200 acres land from Robert E Lee's home, Arlington House.
  • Lincoln Drafts A New Conscription Law

    Lincoln Drafts A New Conscription Law
    Lincoln signs away the fee that someone could pay to avoid being drafted into the Union Army. You may not pay to get out of it.
  • A Confederate Spy Caught

    A Confederate Spy Caught
    Confederate spy Belle Boyd is arrested by Union forces. He is held at the Old Capital Prison in Washington D.C.
  • Mobile Bay / Fort Morgan / Fort Gaines Alabama

    Mobile Bay / Fort Morgan / Fort Gaines Alabama
    A combined Union force initiated operations to close Mobile Bay to blockade running. Some Union forces landed on Dauphin Island and laid siege to Fort Gaines.Fort Morgan, the last big holdout, fell, shutting down the port. The city, however, remained uncaptured
  • Sherman Captures Atlanta

    Sherman Captures Atlanta
    General Sherman captures the city of Atlanta Georgia. Later in 1864 he would march with his troops as far as the ocean and capture Savannah Georgia. Along the way General Sherman and his troops would destroy and burn alot of the land his army passed through.
  • Re-Election

    Lincoln is re-elected in 1864. His victory is overwhelming because of how many votes he received over George B. McClellan.
  • New York Burns

    New York Burns
    A group of Confederate operatives that call themselves the Confederate Army of Manhattan set fires in more then 20 places. This is their unsuccessful attempt at burning New York down.
  • Sherman Starts His Scorched Earth Conquest

    Sherman Starts His Scorched Earth Conquest
    At Waynesboro, Georgia forces the Union prevent Confederate troops from interfering with General Sherman's plan to destroy part of the South by matching to Savannah, Georgia. Union suffers three times as many casualties as the Confederacy.
  • The 13th Admendment Is Passed

    The 13th Admendment Is Passed
    United States congress abloshishes slavery. By passing the 13th Amendment. Because of its legislature, all slaves are freed with in the United States.
  • Freedmen's Bureau

    Freedmen's Bureau
    This bureau was created for refugees, freedmen, and abandaoned lands to help the movement of slavery to freedom in the South. This bureau would only help for one year though. This bureau was created by Congress aswell. The bureau was run by the War Department and the commisioner was General Howard. General Howard was a Civil War hero who was very sympathetic to blacks. This organization would introduce blacks to the system of free labor, as well as overseeing schools for them.
  • Fort Stedman Falls

    Fort Stedman Falls
    The Confederate forces capture Fort Stedman from the Union forces. About 2,900 of Lee's men are killed and 1,000 are captured during the counter attack.
  • Davis Flees Richmond

    Davis Flees Richmond
    Confederate President Davis and his cabinet flee the confederate capital, Richmond, Virginia as Union forces near it. The very next day it is captured by the Union.
  • Appomatax

    General Lee surrenders to General Grant at Appottamax courthouse. This marks the end of the Civil War.
  • The Assassination

    The Assassination
    John Wilkes Booth shoots President Lincoln at Fords Theater during a performance of My American Cousin. Lincoln is pronounced dead early the next morning. In addition, William Seward and his family are attacked by Booth's co-conspirator, Lewis Powell.