"Lincoln Wins Close Race"
Abraham Lincoln won a four way race for president, he didn't win from popular majority votes and wasn't even on the ballot in nine Southern states. He had won from having the most electoral votes though. -
"The Civil War Begins"
Fort Sumter is attacked by the Confederates and the Civil War starts. -
The First Bull Run
The Union is defeated being lead by General Irvin McDowell in Washington. Thomas J. Jackson earns his nickname "Stonewall". The Union retreats realizing the war won't end soon. -
"Battle of Shiloh"
General of the Union Ulysses S. Grant and his army are surprised at the town of Shiloh in Tennessee with a battle. The battle leads to 13,000 Union and 10,000 Confederate casualties. -
"Second Battle of Bull Run"
The Second battle of Bull Run is a victory for Confederate General Stonewall Jackson. The Union General, John Pope is blamed for this lost battle and loses his place as General after the war. -
The Battle of Antietam was considered the bloodiest war in history. Over 26,000 mean were killed, wounded, or missing on both sides. Through the casualties, it was officially a draw. -
The Union General Ambrose E. Burnside is defeated in Fredricksburg, Virginia. The Union had 13,000 casualties. -
"Emancipation Proclamation"
President Lincoln issues frees all slaves that were captured in the Union Army. Some slaves even decided to join the war. They were now fighting for slavery. -
Over this three day war, General Robert E. Lee separates his army and defeats the Union Army lead by Joe Hooker. The North has 17,000 casualties and the South with 13,000. -
Through these three days, the Union Army lead by General Meade wins against Robert E. Lee's Army at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Gettysburg is a turning point, which marks the farthest advance of the Confederate Army into Northern Territory.