After Civil war (Economic)
The North won the Civil War, this helped the government by giving them more power over the states. The civil war was what ended slavery. When slavery ended this lead the Southern states into a resecion. The Civil war was good for the slaves by freeing them, but not good for the south because all of the slaves were free. -
Lincoln's Assassination (Social)
Lincold was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth at Ford's theatre. Booth came to the theatre with a knife and a pistol prepairing to kill the president. Booth was in the same section as the president. Booth was an actror at Ford's theatre so was familiar with the playand the theatre. Booth shot the president and then jumped onto the stage breaking his leg and ran away on his horse. This event lead to reconstruction. This event did not help U.S history, Abe did not want violence only peace and that -
Getysburg Adress (Political)
Abe Lincoln was in Gettysburg to save a part of the battlefeild for a cemitarty. In his speech the nation was "concieved in liberty and didicated to the prosposition that all men are created equal."(Glencoe, 371.) He talked about the battle & how it was a fight for freedom. This was good for the U.S it was a progress because it was a good way to announce America's freedom