Fort Sumter
In South Carolina, Fort Sumter was located in southern territory but considered a north fort. This caused the North and South to have conflict which led to the first shot of the Civil War being here. -
First Bull Run
This is the location of the first major land battle in Virginia. -
Ball's Bluff
The Confederates made a counterattack against the Union. Political issues were severely formed which later led to the Congressional Joint Committee on the Conduct of War. -
Fort Henry
Brig. Gen. U.S. Grant had sent troops to surround fort Henry and destroy it. -
Fort Donelson
Ulysses S. Grant decided to try and win Fort Donelson after one of his victories. He succeeded due to the large group of men he was fighting surrendered. -
The "Hornets Nest" battle line was formed. The battle had been switching sides as to who was winning, but eventually ended with the outcome of a Union victory. -
Lee sent all of his army to battle just less than three quarters of McClellan's army. Later lee decided to pull his troop and leave across the Potomac. -
Burnside made an attack which soon got counterattacked. He led his men to push back once again even though it was getting late in the year. This was called the "Mud March" and was also unsuccessful; leading to Burnsides replacement. -
The Confederates had a plan to resist the Union and it was working. They started to battle, but night ended it because both sides were very disorganized. The fighting came to an end when Hooker decided to make a defensive "U" and retreat. This was a big victory for Lee. -
Grant led his army to Vicksburg and trapped the Confederates, forcing them to surrender. It was one of the best thought out plans of the entire war and was a major success for Ulysses S. Grant. -
Bloodiest battle of the Civil War. -
The Wilderness
There was a battle in the woods but it ended inconclusively. -
Cold Harbor
The Union and Confederate armies met and formed a seven-mile front. There were and enormous amount of deaths and Grant had stated that this was the one and only attack he wishes he had never ordered. -
Appomattox Courthouse
Lee formed a line here, and decided to advance hoping to get away form the Union. This failed and the Union stopped them dead in their tracks forcing them to surrender. It was the last part in the war in Virginia.