Civil War

  • Period: to

    Civil War

  • Fort Sumter

    Fort Sumter
    Fort Sumter started on Apirl 12 1861. By early 1861, the seven Union states that already seceded claimed possession of all U.S forts and arsenals in their territory. Confederate soldiers demanded that Fort Sumter be evacuated once Lincoln took office. When denied, the south took immediate action at 4:30 AM on April 12. After 34 hours of shelling, Anderson was forced to surrender. Fort Sumter was evacuated by federal troops, on April 14,
  • First Bull Run

    First Bull Run
    McDowell and his Union troops started this off by shelling the Confederate troops across Bull Run, while more troops began to cross the river at Sudley River. Within two hours, 10,000 Federals pushed back the 4,500 rebels across the turnpike. Confederate reinforcements kept coming, and coming even though Federals struggled to coordinate assaults. The Confederate troops brought home the victory for this battle. But, they were too disorganized to press their advantage.
  • Hampton Roads

    Hampton Roads
    March 9 1862 is when this battle begins. The Confedrate was on a mission to destroy the Union blockade from the Southern ports. This started a war on water. The fans from either side would sit or stand on the dock and watch the battle begin. After long hours of fighting no one won the battle.
  • Shiloh

    This battle started on April 6 1862. The Confederates planned a surprise attack onthe Union, But in the end the Union won. Even though both sides claimed victory. 23,000 people were killed total on both sides. Union had a huge victory.
  • Antietam

    The battle of Antietam started on September 18 1862. During this Lincoln decides to make the Emancipation Proclamation. This war was known as the bloodiest one yet. After the Union got victory, they sent out graphic pictures that showed people what the soldiers were going through. General Lee suffered 10.318 deaths while the Union suffered 12,401 deaths, but the Union still had more soldiers.
  • Fredericksburg

    After waiting months for bridges to arrive, so they would be able to cross the river, finally on December 11, Burnside was able cross the Rappahannock with more than 120,000 Union troops on hand. The confederate line stretched out for three miles. General George Meade was able to temporarily break Jackson's line, but Franklin failed to send 50,000 more troops forward when given the opportunity and Jackson successfully launched a counterattack.
  • Siege of Vicksburg

    Siege of Vicksburg
    The capture of Vicksburg divided the Confederacy, and proved that Ulysses S. Grant was a military genius. After losing several forts, Vicksburg became the key point of their defenses. Their plan was to isolate those Confederate states that lay west of the river from those on the east side. After the Union failed at subduing the Confederate batteries, the attempt to take the city by land failed as well. This attempt was made by General Tecumseh Sherman.
  • Chancellorsville

    Cancellorsville started April 30 1863. The Confedrates line of defense was super strong in this battle which is why they won. The Union lost 17,278 and the confedrates lost 12,826
  • Gettysburgh

    This battle started July 1 1863. The first two days 35,000 people had lost their lives. On the third day the Union took out one third of the Confedrates by the bombing behind stone walls. The confedrates lost this battle. They lost 28,000 lives while the Union only lost 23,000 lives. Victory to the Union.
  • Chickamauga

    In the autumn of 1863, both the Union and Confederate forces were struggling to gain control of the key railroad center of Chattanooga. Later, General Rosecrans had push Bragg's army out of Chattanooga and collected his army of 60,000 at Chickamauga, Georgia. The arrival of reinforcements led by Longstreet helped Bragg keep his forces up, which led him to decide to go on the offensive. On the first day, Bragg's repeatedly attacked the Union, anchored by Thomas, who held his position with the rei
  • Spotsylvania

    During this battle, the Spotsylvania Court House saw some of the bloodiest fighting of the Civil War. The Union lost 18,000 soldiers and the Confederacy lost 11,000 soldiers. In the middle of this battle, a group of 12 regiments of Unions soldiers, led by Colonel Emory Upton , charged across the 200 yards of open ground. This battle was inconclusive, and there was no winner.
  • Sherman's March to the Sea

    Sherman's March to the Sea
    General Sherman and his troops took control of Atlanta on September 2, 1864, becoming the start of Sherman's March to the Sea. But, after losing Atlanta, the Confederacy started to head west into Tennessee and Alabama, attacking Union supply sources as they went. Sherman set off on a wild goose chase across the south, choosing to split his troops in half. Sherman took 62,000 of his troops through Georgia to Savannah, "smashing things" as he went.
  • Siege of Petersburg

    Siege of Petersburg
    June 9 1864 is when this battle started. The Union set out to use the rails below Richmond to use as there advantage. Most railroads where distoryed in this war. The Confedrates gave up because they only had 50,000 soldiers left compared to Grant's 120,000 soldiers.
  • Lincoln's Asassination

    Lincoln's Asassination
    Lincolns killer was John Booth. The first plan to kill Lincoln failed,because he did not show up.When he went to see "Our American Cousin" Booth came a shot the gun at Lincolns head from behind. Booth jumped off the ledge and ended up breaking his leg. He got away on his horse out of Washington D.C. Lincoln did not die that day but the next day when he was home. They put hi in a coffin and put a flag over it for him to go to the White house and other places before being buried.
  • Wilderness

    This battle started May 5 1865. Grant become in charge of the Union and knew exactly where he wanted to battle, the heart of the Confedrates, Richmond. Even though this battle lasted two days the battle remained inconclusive. Union lost more soldiers though. Union suffered 17, 500 deaths.