Civil War

  • Harriet Breecher wrote Uncle Toms Cabin

    Harriet breecher wrote Uncle Toms Cabin which is what people say started the war and made people realize how bad slavery was.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Admitted Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a freee state. Drew a line at the boundary of Missouri. Slaves were allowed in southern states but not northern states.
  • Period: to

    Pre Civil War

  • Willmot, Provise

    Proposed making all land gotten from Mexico free.
  • Compromise of 1850

    California bacame a free state. Mexico could be a free state. Washington D.C. would not allow trade or sell slaves.
  • Dredd Scott Decision

    Stephen Douglas was against slsverybut beleived it should be up to eaach state. Abe was aginst slavery but beleived it should still happen.
  • South Carolina Secede

    One of the frist states to secede during civil war.
  • Nat Turner

    Nat Turner, a slave and preacher led a rebellion in Virginia. In all 58 whites were kille. He was caught and hung and incresed the concerns on slave rebellions.
  • Kansas/Nebraska Act

    A bill that stated that states could allow slavery by popular soverighty.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Peoplewho were against slavery and those who supported slavery moved to knansas to vote whether kansas would allow slavery. There was lots of violence and it became a free state
  • Lincoln-Stephen Douglas

    Stephen douglas was against slavery but beleived it was the states decision. Abe was against slavery ut thought it should be.
  • Lincolns election

    Republicans nominated lincoln and got 180 of 303 votes and 40 percent of popular vote.
  • Harpers Farry.

    John Brown waas against slavery. He had a small group of whites