civil ritghts movemen

  • Rosa parks

    Rosa Parks didnt give up her seat at the front of the "colored section" of a bus in Montgomery, Ala.,The black community lanched a bus boycott.
  • King,Jr

    King, Jr., the newly elected president of the Montgomery Improvement Association
  • Leadership conference

    The Southern Christian Leadership Conference, comprised of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., Charles K. Steele and Fred L. Shuttlesworth, was established.
  • Armed Attack

    NAACP Branch President Robert F. Williams successfully defense the home of the vice president and Monroe, N.C.'s black community from an armed attack by a Ku Klux Klan motorcade
  • Little Rock

    Little Rock
    Integration was hard at the all-white High School in Little Rock, Ark. Nine black students, who became known as the "Little Rock Nine," were forbedn to enter the school
  • Four Blacks

    Four black students from N.C. A&T University began a sit at a lunch counter in Greensboro, N.C. they were refused service,but they were allowed to stay at the counter. That triggered nonviolent protests through the South. Six months later, the same four protesters are served lunch at the same Woolworth's counter. Student sit-ins would be an effective tactic throughout the South in integrating parks, swimming pools, theaters, lib
  • Executive Order

    President Kennedy issued Executive Order 10925, prohibiting discrimination in federal government hiring on the basis of race, religion or national origin
  • First black collige student

    James Meredith became was the first black student to enter at the University of Mississippi. President Kennedy sent 5,000 federal troops to contain the violence and riots surrounding the incident.
  • Bombing

    Four young girls, Denise McNair, Cynthia Wesley, Carole Robertson and Addie Mae Collins, were at Sunday school were killed when a bomb exploded at the Baptist Church, a popular location for civil rights meetings. Riots in Birmingham, Ala., were responible for the deaths of two more black youth.

    More than 250,000 people Marched on Washington. Congregating at the Lincoln Memorial, people listened as Martin Luther King delivered his famous "I Have a Dream" speech.
  • Poll tax

    The 24th Amendment abolished the poll tax, which had been instituted in 11 southern states. The poll tax made it hard for blacks to vote.
  • Mississippi Summer Freedom progest

    Civil rights workers want blacks to vote, but 3 are killed and many black homes and churches are burned. the fighting helps pass civil rights legislation
  • king murderd

    Marthin luther king jr. is murdered by james earl ray
  • Civil rights

    Civil rights
    john sighns the civil rights act of 1968
  • Voting Rights Act approved

    After approval, southern black voter grew by 50% and blacks are elected to various positions. In Mississippi, black voter grew from 7% to 67%