Civil Rights visual timeline

  • Liberties in authoritarian countries (Continuous)

    Liberties in authoritarian countries (Continuous)
    Civil Liberties in authoritarian regimes, such as North Korea or China are severely limited. In those countries there is no democracy, it's ruled by a one party system and the citizens are strictly under surveillance and different forms of control and if you disobey the system it often comes with a harsh punishment, usually something similar to a "re-education" camp.
  • Indian Caste system (Continuous)

    Indian Caste system (Continuous)
    In India, caste discrimination is quite prevalent, even thought the legal policy of untouchability was abolished in the 50s, the discrimination continues mostly in rural areas. Members of lower caste groups have a disadvantage when it comes to economic opportunities and are often subject to social exclusion.
  • Oliver Brown Lawsuit (Event)

    Oliver Brown Lawsuit (Event)
    One of the most important victories against racial discrimination was Oliver browns lawsuit against the schoolboard, this was the nail in the coffin that removed segregation in schools.
  • Montgomery bus boycott (Event)

    Montgomery bus boycott (Event)
    The other most important was the Montgomery bus boycott by Rosa Parks and MLK Jr. which took out the bus segregation laws, two major laws against blacks. With Oliver Browns case and the boycott done, nearly nothing except for old racism in the people was in the way of true black freedom.
  • Period: to

    Women's rights battles (event)

    The equal pay act of 1963 abolished wage disparity based on sex and was a big win for women's rights across North America. the Title IX amendment which prohibits sex based discrimination in school was another victory, similar to the Oliver brown case, it made schools more equal. And finally Roe v. Wade being introduced in 1973 allowed women to have full control over their bodies.
  • Racial Segregation (Changed)

    Racial Segregation (Changed)
    Racial segregation and discrimination is at an all time low, with the civil rights movements by Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks. Many of the old segregation laws and other laws surrounding black discrimination and exclusion have been abolished
  • Indigenous peoples rights (Continuous)

    Indigenous peoples rights (Continuous)
    The Oka crisis is a prime example of how to this day indigenous rights aren't respected from culture to land rights the issue of discrimination is still ever prevalent.
  • Dismantling of the Apartheid (Event)

    Dismantling of the Apartheid (Event)
    The Sharpeville massacre in south Africa demonstrated the brutality of the system, and sewed the seeds for its downfall. The Release of Nelson Mandela after numerous other events made the African National Congress a strong force against the apartheid regime, and eventually was outvoted in 1994, ending the apartheids horrible racist regime.
  • Apartheid Abolished (Changed)

    Apartheid Abolished (Changed)
    The South African apartheid used to be a massive cornerstone of civil rights violations and racism, ever-present until the early 90s. Thanks to Nelson Mandela and even the privileged members of the apartheid it was eventually taken down and South Africa was restored to one of the most developed socio-economic African countries.
  • Women gaining full rights (Changed)

    Women gaining full rights (Changed)
    In the early 20th century, women had next to no rights, under the Canadian constitution they weren't even considered people. Throughout the years many of the rights men had were also granted to women and one of the biggest victories for them was the equal pay act of 1963, something that finally sought to address the issues they had been facing.