Civil RIghts Timelne

  • KEY

    🟦- Achievement
    🟩- Legislation/Supreme Court Cases
    🟪- Violence by Protester
    🟨- Violence by Opposition
    🟧- No Violence
  • 🟩Sweatt v. Painter

    🟩Sweatt v. Painter
    This case challenged the "separate but equal" doctrine. Ending up ultimately being the stepping stone to the Brown v Board case.
  • 🟨Emmett Till's Murder

    🟨Emmett Till's Murder
    A 14 year old colored boy was brutally murdered after a lady claimed that he had cat-called her in the store. The men took him from his bed and beat him unrecognizable.
  • 🟫Montgomery Bus Boycott

    🟫Montgomery Bus Boycott
    NAACP boycotting public transportation buses. After Rosa Parks got kicked off the bus for not moving to the back of the bus to stand for a white man.The goal was to achieve civil rights in a peaceful way.
  • 🟦Civil Rights Act of 1957

    This is the first federal legislation that put the civil rights movement into the justice system. The purpose of this was to protect the right to vote.
  • 🟩Cooper v. Aaron

    The supreme court ruled Arkansas' segregation of school as unconstitutional under Brown v. Board. This ultimately led to the Little Rock Nine being able to attend Little Rock.
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    🟫Greensboro Sit-In

    This was a series of peaceful protests. Where they sat in in a primarily segregated places such as the Woolworth store in Greensboro NC.
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    🟫Freedom Rides

    Tested the Boynton v. Virginia Supreme Court decision. This being the desegregation of public transportation specifically when it came to interstate buses.
  • 🟦Civil Rights Act of 1964

    This was a huge milestone in which it prohibited discrimination. It advanced equality in not just race, but gender, religion and ethnicity.
  • 🟫March from Selma to Montgomery

    Hundreds of people marched from Selma, Alabama to Montgomery. Marching to utilize their right to vote under the constitution.
  • 🟦Voting Rights Act of 1965

    This act outlawed discriminatory practices in order to vote such as literary tests. Literary tests were made nearly impossible so that people couldn't register to vote
  • 🟩Swann vs. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools

    This case dealt with the busing of students across districts to further integration. This attempted to force integration into public schools.
  • 🟧Shirley Chisholm’s Presidential Campaign

    Shirley was the first black woman to campaign for president. She was also the first black candidate to run for a major party in the presidential election.
  • 🟦Hank Aaron’s Home Run Record

    This helped integrate minor league baseball. He was also an icon which had a big influence on the people around him therefore he could speak out against racism and people would listen
  • 🟧🟦Barbara Jordan’s Address at the Democratic National Convention

    Jordan's speech addressed the importance of equality. She also told the country that in order for there to be unity there must be willingness.
  • 🟩Regents of the University of California v. Bakke

    This case was held to deal with the admission to the University of California to an extent based off of race. This was violating the Equal Protection Clause.