Medgar Evers Assassinated
1) Was a Civil Rights activist.
2)He applied to university of Mississippi Law school and got rejected. He then volunteered to help the NAACP try to integrate the university with a lawsuit. -
Brown vs Board of Education
1) Plessy v. Ferguson supreme court case
2) A black student was denied access to a white school in Topeka and the parents decided to fight back and started the brown case.
3) The result was the Supreme court outlaws school segregation. -
Emmitt Louis murdured for speaking to white woman
1) Emmitt Louis murdured
2) it occured in Money, Mississippi
3) Emmitt was accused of "flirting" with a white cashier e=register woman and then two days later was kidnapped and murdered by two white men because of it. -
Rosa Parks arrested
1) Rosa Parks sat on a bus after a long day of work and the bus driver ordered her to stand up to give her seat to a white but she refused.
2) It forever changed race relations in America. It led to Supreme Court to outlaw racial segregation on public bus's. -
Civil Rights Act of 1957
1) President Eisenhower passed this law.
2) Was the first civil rights legislation passed by congress. It prohibited attempts to intimidate or deny anyone to vote.- voting rights -
Events at Little Rock Arkansas
1) Nine African american students were sent into a segregated high school and riots and violence broke out.
2) The government sent troops to protect the 9 students there and stop riots from happening. -
Mack Charles taken from jail and lynched
1) Poplarville, Mississippi was the location but eventually killed in Louisiana.
2) Mack was charger of rape of a white woman and put in jail. Two days after being in jail, he was taken, beaten, and then brought to Louisiana and shot to death there. -
Attack of the Freedom Riders
1) They were civil rights activists who rode interstate buses into the segregated south t protests against segregation on buses.
2) some organizations were the SNCC and the Congress on Racial Equality.
3) Some whites joined too. -
James Meredith enrolls at Ole Miss
1) He was promptly rejected when trying to enroll. He later then challenged the university in court.
2) They got involved when U.S. Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black ordered Ole' Miss to admit Meredith. -
The March on Washington
1) For freedom and jobs. They wanted President Kennedy to initiate strong federal civil rights bill in Congress.
2)The 'I have a Dream " speech by Martin Luther King -
School girls killed in church fire
1) Group of school girls killed in a church set fire by whites
2) Birmingham, Alabama
3) Four school girls were attending church while it was set on fire by whites in Birmingham and died. -
Civil Rights Act of 1964
1) President Lyndon Johnson.
2) It outlawed discrimination and gave african americans legal rights. -
March to Selma
1) to try and register black voters in the south.
2) Marchers were often blocked on their journey
3) Created momentum for the Civil Rights movement. It also compelled President Johnson to introduce a federal voting-rights bill. -
Civil Rights leader killed
1) A Civil Rights Leader killed after promotion to a "white Job"
2) Location was Nanchez, Mississippi
3) After Wharlest Jackson earned a job previously for whites, a bomb was planted in his car after work and he was killed. -
Thurgood Marshall first black Supreme Court Justice
1) He was first a slave and then became a Chief Counsel for the NAACP.
2) It inspired african americans and showed that things were changing with segregation! -
The assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King
1) Martin luther King was giving his famous speech, "I had a Dream" on a hotel balcony in Memphis, Tennesse while shot dead.
2) he changed the world. He was truely an inspiration to whites and blacks. He changed society and really made whites change the way they were. -
Black Deputy killed by nightriders
1) Location was Varnado, Louisiana
2) Deputy was taken by a group of angry white nightriders and shot to death.