Brown v. Board of Education
The court case that allowed separate but equal facilities was 1) 1) Plessy v. Ferguson.
2) In Topeka, Kansas, courts ruled that public school segregation was unconstutional, because of the unfair educational gaps, lack of schooling, and school conditions.
3)The result was the outlaw of school segretation, but this wasn't enforced across the country until later in the civil rights movement. -
Emmett Till Assassinated
1) Emmett Till was assassinated in Money, MS.
2) He was a 14 year old black boy from Chicago visiting relatives in MS and was lynched by two white men for whistling at a white woman. -
Rosa Parks arrested for not giving up her seat
1) Rosa Parks was a black woman who was sick of being told what to do by white people, so one day, she decided to resist. Rosa resisted by not giving up her seat when asked to by a whiter man, which kickstarted a huge city wide riot by the black community.
2) The result was the end of bus segregation, but this didn't result until a few years later. -
Civil Rights Act of 1957
1) President Eisenhower passed this law.
2) The law stated that everyone had equal voting rights, and it helped out blacks who were being denied this right to vote by racist southern states. -
Events at Little Rock, Arkansas
1) The major event that happened at Little Rock was integration of 9 black students into an all white Central High School.
2) The state government used all their might to resist segregation, but the national government sent in federal troops to enforce integration. -
Mack Charles Parker taken from jail and lynched
1) Pearl River County, MS
2) He was accused of raping a pregnant white woman, and was taken from his cell by a white mob and beaten and shot, three days before his trial began. Horribly, no one was sentenced for killing Parker. -
Attack of the Freedom Riders
1) The freedom riders were a big mix of people of all races, who rode interstate buses through the deep south to demonstrate integration. They were met with lots of violence from racist southerners.
2) The NAACP, but also CORE and SNCC
3) The freedom riders weren't just black, but people of all races together. -
James Meredith enrolls at Ole Miss
1) When Meredith tried to enroll at Ole Miss, the Mississippi Governor used all of his power to deny Meredith's admission, even blocking Meredith himself from signing the admission letters.
2) President Kennedy sent thousands of guards men to enforce integration at the campus. -
The Birmingham Childrens Crusade
1) Birmingham, AL
2) Thousands of children in Birmingham were protesting segregation in their city, and weren't met peacefully. The mayor of the city ordered officers to beat the protesters, spray them with powerful water hoses, arrest them, and even use dogs to hold back the children. The kids stuck to their goals though, and perservered, eventually winning a victory. Birmingham was in the world spotlight, and local officials could no longer ignore civil rights. -
Medgar Evers Assassinated
1) Evers was a black civil rights activist who worked to overturn segregation at Ole Miss and for voting rights.
2) Evers was killed in the driveway of his own home by Byron De La Beckwith. Evers played a key role in persuading poor blacks to register to vote, and also helped with the Emmett Till case. -
The March on Washington
1) The march shined light on the political and social problems blacks faced across the country. The march was for freedom and jobs.
2) The famous speech was "I have a Dream" -MLK -
Civil Rights Act of 1964
1) President Johnson passed this law.
2) It ended segregation in public places, and banned employment discrimination no matter race, color, religion, sex, or where you're from. -
Lt. Col. Lemuel Penn killed by Klansmen
1) Madison County, GA
2) Penn was traveling north with a few other army officers, and had just finished some army training. The men were WWII veterans, and didn't notice a car follow them out of a rest stop in Athens, GA. The persuing car pulled up beside the men, fired 2 shots, and Penn was killed instantly. The murderers weren't proven guilty, because of the al white court, and this was another example of the horrible racial issues in the south. -
March to Selma
1) Alabama State Troopers fatally shot dead a black protester in a nearby town, so MLK seized his chance to protest voting rights.
2) The marches faced opposition from Alabama state troopers with night sticks, teargas, and whips.
3) The outcome of this march was the Voting Rights ct, which guaranteed everyone the right to vote. -
Willie Brewster killed by nightriders
1) Anniston, AL
2) Brewster was killed by a white man, while driving home from work with friends. This case was unique though, because it was the first time a white man was convicted for killing a black man. -
Thurgood Marshall first black Supreme Court Justice
1) He was an attorney for the NAACP before he became a Justice.
2) I think it was a monumental event because it proved that anyone of any race, could become whatever they dreamed, and that everyone could live the American dream. -
The Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King
1) King was attending a work protest in Memphis, TN. He was shot in the neck at around 6 P.M. on the balcony where he was staying at, and was pronounced dead an hour later.
2) It impacted everyone because MLK didn't just stand for cicil rights, but also for political issues, and wasn't hated by everyone.