Civil Rights Timeline

By Jwedl
  • Brown v Board of Education

    Brown v Board of Education
    This was a very big case for the Supreme Court, they ruled that state laws establishing racial segregation in public schools were illegal.
  • Eisenhower sends in Federal Troops

    Eisenhower sends in Federal Troops
    This order sends federal troops over to Little Rock AR, to help ensure that the integration of central High School happens.
  • White Citizens Council

    White Citizens Council
    This was an well integrated group of white supremacists, they were concentrated in the south.
  • Brown v Board of Education II

    Brown v Board of Education II
    This was an add on to Brown v Board of Education where the supreme court made the schools integrate black children into the school system "with all deliberate speed"
  • Lynching of Emmett Till

    Lynching of Emmett Till
    Emmett Till was 14 and killed because he was seen going into the grocery store and talking to a white woman in a bad way. This was taken way out of perpo
  • Rosa Parks Arrested

    Rosa Parks Arrested
    Oh the way home from work Rosa Parks sat on a bus and was asked to move from the seat by a white person. after denying for awhile she was arrested.
  • Martin Luther King House Bombing

    Martin Luther King House Bombing
    A group of segregationists went to MLK's house and bombed his house.
  • Montgomery bus boycott

    Montgomery bus boycott
    From Dec 5, 1955 - Dec, 20th, 2956 there was a humongus boycott on busses at the end of the boycott they got all of there demands and went down as the most succesful boycott to the date.
  • Bombing of Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth

    Bombing of Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth
    On this day several KKK members went to the house of Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth and tried to kill him with a bomb. But luckily no one was injured inside the house!
  • SCLC Founded

    SCLC Founded
    This is when the SCLC was founded and they started on their jorney to changing lives.
  • SNCC Formed

    SNCC Formed
    SNCC or Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee was created today, they aim to help students realize that what they are doing is wrong and that it is just the parents.
  • Greensboro Sit Ins

    Greensboro Sit Ins
    The Greensboro Sit Ins are a bunch of instances grouped together. it was when a group of African American students went and sat in a white only lunch counter.
  • White mob attacks federal marshals in Montgomery

    White mob attacks federal marshals in Montgomery
    During a freedom rid through montgomery, alabama a bus was attacked by a mob of three hundred. They were surrounded and brutally attacked the riders.
  • Freedom Rides

    Freedom Rides
    Freedom Rides were a series of events where 2 buses full of African American and some White activists go into the deep south and try to make a difference.
  • Bailey v Patterson

    Bailey v Patterson
    This is a couple African American men bringing a case to the federal court to enforce their constitutional rights to nonsegergated service.
  • Albany Georgia “failure”

    Albany Georgia “failure”
    In November a group called the Albany Movement was created. It was a desegregation and voters rights group and resulted in jailing more then 1000 African Americans looking for change in the world.
  • MLK goes to a Birmingham jail

    MLK goes to a Birmingham jail
    MLk was arrested and sent to jail because of protesting. while he was in jail he wrote a letter, he says "I am here because injustice is here".
  • Kennedy sends in Federal Troops

    Kennedy sends in Federal Troops
    JFK sent troops to the University of Alabama in attempts to force desegregation. After much time 2 African American student enrolled.
  • Assassination of Medgar Evers

    Assassination of Medgar Evers
    American civil rights activist Medgar Evers was shot and killed by Byron De La Beckwith. He was standing in his own driveway.
  • March on Washington “I have a Dream”

    March on Washington “I have a Dream”
    The I have a dream speech has gone down in history as one of the most famous speeches of all time. Standing on the steps of washington MLK made a difference.
  • Bombing of a church in Birmingham

    Bombing of a church in Birmingham
    In the early morning on september 15th a bomb exploded before the morning mass. Tragically 4 young girls were killed by the explosion and many others injured.
  • Assassination of John F. Kennedy

    Assassination of John F. Kennedy
    On November 22, 1963 John F. Kennedy was shot and killed while sitting in his car during a motorcade. Former U.S. Marine Lee Harvey Oswald was the one who shot him.
  • Freedom Summer

    Freedom Summer
    Freedom Summer was the summer when voter registration amed to increase the number of registered black voters.
  • XXIV (24th) Amendment

     XXIV (24th) Amendment
    This makes it illegal for both congress and the state to charge anyone a poll tax or any other types of tax to vote.
  • Killing of Goodman, Chaney, Schwerner

    Killing of Goodman, Chaney, Schwerner
    James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Michel schwerner were abducted and brutally murdered on the night of june 21th. All of them were civil rights workers.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    This Act outlaws the discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.
  • Assassination of Malcolm X

    Assassination of Malcolm X
    While at the Audubon Ballroom in Washington Heights, Malcolm X was assassinated by Rival Black Muslims. He was in the middle of addressing his organization of Afro-American Unity.
  • Selma to Montgomery March

    Selma to Montgomery March
    In response to Jackson's death, MLK and SCLC worked together and made a March in his name.
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965

    Voting Rights Act of 1965
    This Act Prohibits racial discrimination in voting.
  • Black Panthers Formed

    Black Panthers Formed
    The Black Panther Party was a party for Self-Defense, a hugly revolutionary political organization.
  • Loving v Virginia

    Loving v Virginia
    This U.S. Supreme Court decision made it so that interracial marriages were legal.
  • Minneapolis Riots

    Minneapolis Riots
    On this horrific night racial tension erupted and several acts of arson, assaults, and vandalism ensued.
  • Detroit Riots

    Detroit Riots
    Also known as the 12th Street Riot, the bloodiest incident in the "Long, hot summer of 1967".
  • Assassination of MLK

     Assassination of MLK
    At 6:05 Martin Luther King jr was shot and killed. Hw was standing on the second floor at Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee
  • Assassination of Robert “Bobby” Kennedy

    Assassination of Robert “Bobby” Kennedy
    At the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles Robert F. Kennedy was shot and later died from the gunshot wound.
  • Equal Pay Act

    Equal Pay Act
    This is the Act the makes companies give Men and Women equal pay.