Civil Rights Timeline

  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    A lankmarking decision of the U.S. supreme court which ruled that racial segregation in public schools is unconstitutional even if segregated schools are equal.
  • Emmett Till Murder

    Emmett Till Murder
    14 year old, african american, Emmett Till visited Money, Mississippi to go see family. While in Mississippi he was murdered for allegedly flirting with a white woman 4 days before.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    Protest campaign against the policy of racial segregation on the public transmit system of Montgomery, Alabama.
  • Little Rock Nine

    Little Rock Nine
    A group of nine african american students enrolled into Little Rock Central High School that was followed by the Little Rock Crisis where the students were prevented from entering the school.
  • Greensboro Woolworth Sit In

    Greensboro Woolworth Sit In
    A series of non-violent protests that took place Woolworth store that is now the International Civil Rights Center and Museum, in February to July of 1960. The protest were against a segregated lunch counter, in Greensboro, NC.
  • Freedom Riders

    Freedom Riders
    Civil Rights activists who rode interstate buses into the segregated southern U.S. The Freedom Riders were bus passengers assaulted. These bus riding went on for about 7 months to declare segregated facilities for interstate passengers illegal.
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    A march to advocate for the civil and economic rights of African Americans that took place in Washington, D.C.
  • Birmingham Church Bombing

    Birmingham Church Bombing
    A white supremacist terrorist bombing of the 16th street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama.
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    The nations premier civil rights legislation. This outlawed discrimination on the basis of race, religion, and sex. Which enforced desegregation in schools and the right to vote.
  • Voting Rights Act

    Voting Rights Act
    Outlaw if discriminatory voting practices adopted in many of the southern states after the Civil War, also including literacy test as a prerequisite to voting.
  • Loving vs. Virginia

    Loving vs. Virginia
    Landmarking civil rights decision of the U.S. supreme court which the court ruled that laws banning interracial marriage violate the Equal Protection and Due Process Clauses of the 14th amendment.
  • "Bloody Sunday"

    "Bloody Sunday"
    Also know as the Bogside Massacre. It took place in Northern Ireland when some British soldiers shot 26 civilians during an protest march against internment without trial.