Civil Rights Timeline

  • Plessy vs. Ferguson

    Plessy vs. Ferguson
    The sepreme court ruled that segergation was constitutional as long as whites and blacks public facilities are equal.
  • Jackie Robinson

    Jackie Robinson
    Jackie RobinsonRobinson was one of the most well known baseball players of all time and broke many records. He was against discrimination and delt with all of it durring his carrer.
  • Sweatt vs. Painter

    Sweatt vs. Painter
    law suitSweatt filed a law suit against the Unervisity of Texas Law School he was rejected into the school since he was black. The law suit went to the supreme courtand they ruled it unconstitutional and he was allowed to join the college.
  • Greensboro sit in

    Greensboro sit in
    Series of nonviolent protest in Greensboro at Woolworths lunch counter which was nonviolent and it made a lasting impact.
  • Brown vs. Board of education

    Brown vs. Board of education
    Courts ruled that seperate but equal schools were unconstitutional
  • Montgomery bus boycott

    Montgomery  bus boycott
    Martin Luther king organized it. This was used toend bus segregation, Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a bus.
  • The Southern Manifesto

    The Southern Manifesto
    Writen in opposition to racial integration of public places. Basicly to end seperation restrooms and other public segregation.
  • Southern Christian Leadership Conference

    Southern Christian Leadership Conference
    African-Amercan civil rights organization which was lead by Martin Luther King Jr used churches to support the cause
  • Congress of Racial Equality

    Congress of Racial Equality
    (CORE), which protested against discrimination and evently welcomed the Civil Rights Act of 1957. The act gave the power to investigate civil right violations.
  • Student Nonviolent coordinating commitee

    Student Nonviolent coordinating commitee
    This was made to incorporate younger black citizens into a faster moving movement and wanted this to be nonviolent. They did alot of freedom rides lead by MLK Jr.
  • James Meredith

    James Meredith
    Civil rights writer, political adviser, and air force veteran. First African-Amercan to attend the UNIVERSITY of Mississippi. He was at first declined but he took the university to court and the spreme court ruled in his favor so he was accepted into the college. http:/
  • Freedom Rides

    Freedom Rides
    African-Amercan and white activist rode on bus trips to the south and protested at bus terminals. Months after laws against bus segregation were made.
  • Letter form Birmingham jail

    Letter form Birmingham  jail
    Writen by MLK jr. He talkes about his nonviolent approach to end slavery and how it will work. >2012/06>king
  • Medgar Evers

    Medgar Evers
    An African-Amercan civil rights activist. A WWII veteran and worked for the NAACP. He was later shot in his driveway.
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    Where MLK jr. Said he speech, "I have a dream". 200,000+ Americans gathered to hear the speech. This was to show everyone the challenges that African-Amercans are still facing.
  • Bombing of Birmingham church

    Bombing of Birmingham  church
    Was bomed before service and killed 4 girls and injured others. It drew national attention bacuse of the violent outrage.
  • 24th amendment

    24th amendment
    The right of citizens of the US to vote in primary or other electionfor President or vice president...etc...
  • Mississippi freedom summer

    Mississippi  freedom summer
    This was to increase voter registration in Mississippi, this brought violent protest also.
  • Malcolm X assassined

    Malcolm X assassined
    African american nationist who was killed by black muslims when he was at the audubon ballroom.
  • Selma to Montgomery march

    Selma to Montgomery  march
    This was to raise awareness because African-Amercans were still having problems with being aloud to vote. People marched from Selma to the state capital of Montgomery. -march
  • Voting Rights Act Approved

    Voting Rights Act Approved
    This was made to let all African-Amercans have the right to vote.
  • Black Panthers

    Black Panthers
    This was created for self defense, they practiced militant self defense and wanted to create revolutionary socialism through mass organizing and community based programs
  • Civil Rights Act passed

    Civil Rights Act passed
    Ended segregation in public places and ended employment discrimination, passed by John F Kennedy.
  • King Assassined

    King Assassined
    Was killed in mempihis Tennessee. He was a huge part of totally freeing African-Amercans and his death angered African-Amercans.