Civil Rights Timeline

By gp1
  • Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) formed - African Americans

    Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) formed - African Americans
    This conference was formed to have a regional organization that could organize protests in a more organized fashion in the South.
    The SCLC was formed in order.
  • Little Rock 9 - African Americans

    Little Rock 9 - African Americans
    This was a group of 9 students who were subject to targeting by racism at central high school due to the integration of schooling at the time. There were military members there in order to ensure that the students would be safe and protected from any possible harm brought to them by other students.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1957 - All

    Civil Rights Act of 1957 - All
    This act established the Civil Rights Section of the Justice Department in court. Along with this, it increased the protection of the right to vote for all citizens.
  • Chicano Movement (Mural Movement) - Latin Americnas

    Chicano Movement (Mural Movement) - Latin Americnas
    Mexican-American Civil Rights Movement. Artists used industrial buildings to portray Mexican American culture
  • Greensboro, NC Sit-ins - African Americans

    Greensboro, NC  Sit-ins - African Americans
    4 African Americans didn’t leave a white-only lunch table. This was used as a means of protesting racial segregation.
  • Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) formed - African Americans

    Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) formed - African Americans
    Political organization that used nonviolent tactics to protest for civil rights
  • Freedom Riders - All

    Freedom Riders - All
    Activists who rode buses and protested laws that ignored integration laws in the segregated southern U.S.
  • Cesar Chavez - Latin Americans

    Cesar Chavez - Latin Americans
    Co-founded the National Farm Workers Association. He was a civil rights activist that was Latino-Amerian.
  • Dr. King’s: “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” - All

    This letter promoted a nonviolent way to protest instead of using violence in order to promote the change that they wanted to achieve.
  • March on Washington: “I have a dream” speech - All (People of Color)

    March on Washington: “I have a dream” speech - All (People of Color)
    It was a nonviolent protest and speech by Martin Luther King Jr that was intended to end racism in the united states. It called for civil and economic rights to be given to people of color.
  • 24th Amendment - All

    24th Amendment - All
    Prohibits poll tax
    This amendment made it to that nobody’s right to vote could be denied to them and made it to that they didn’t have to pay any sort of fee or tax.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964 - All

    Civil Rights Act of 1964 - All
    LBJ outlaws discrimination based on religion, gender color, or race. Furthermore, prohibits unequal voter registration requirements.
  • March from Selma, Alabama - African Americans

    March from Selma, Alabama - African Americans
    This was when Martin Luther King Jr lead a campaign of nonviolent protesters in Montgomery Alabama to gain support for voting rights for African Americans.
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965 (All)

    Voting Rights Act of 1965 (All)
    The Voting Rights Act of 1965 banned some of the practices that were used in the southern states. This basically made all of those illegal. Also added a literacy test for people who wished to vote to insure that the people voting were of intelligence.
  • Black Panthers (African Americans)

    Black Panthers (African Americans)
    The black panthers were a group of people that were dedicated to defending African Americans from police brutality. They carried weapons in order to propose a sense of fear to the people that they were going against.
  • Thurgood Marshall appointed to the Supreme Court (African Americans)

    Thurgood Marshall appointed to the Supreme Court (African Americans)
    Thurgood Marshall was the Lawyer of the NAACP that was appointed in the Brown VS Board supreme court case. He was also the first African American man to be given a spot on the supreme court.
  • MLK assassinated (African Americans

    MLK assassinated (African Americans
    James Ray assassinated King in Memphis outside his hotel room.
    Martin Luther King Jr was assassinated by James Ray in Memphis when he stepped outside of his hotel room.
  • American Indian Movement (AIM) - (American Indians)

    American Indian Movement (AIM) - (American Indians)
    The goal or reasoning behind this movement was to create economic freedom for American Indians who were struggling with this at the time. There was a lot of prejudice against them and they were fed up and wanted it to end. They demanded the respect of all authority and to be treated as equals as everyone else, one cause of this was police brutality.
  • Sandra Day O’Connor was appointed to the Supreme Court(Women)

    Sandra Day O’Connor was appointed to the Supreme Court(Women)
    Sandra Day O’Connor was the first female to serve on the supreme court and was appointed by Roland Reagan during the time that he was president.
  • Sonia Sotomayor was appointed to the Supreme Court (Latinas and Women)

    Sonia Sotomayor was appointed to the Supreme Court (Latinas and Women)
    Sonia Sotomayor was the first Latina to serve on the Supreme Court and was appointed by Obama during the time of his presidency.