Civil Rights Timeline

  • Brown v. Board of Education

    In Topeka Kansas a class action suit was field against the board of education of the city. The Topeka boar of education operated the kansas law, Which permitted but did not require elementary school district to be seperated. The result was a land mark establishing seperate school from black and white to be unconstitutional.
  • George Lee

    Rev George Lee killed for leading voter-registartion drive Belzoni Mississippi.
  • Lamar Smith

    Murderd for organizing black voters ( Brookhaven Misssissippi)
  • Emmett Till

    Emmett Till was murdered brutely for speaking to a white women. ( Money Mississippi)
  • John Earl Reese

    Slain by nightriders opposed to school improvements. ( Mayflower Texas)
  • Rosa Parks Arrested For refusing to give up her seat.

    When one day Rosa Parks sat quietly refusing to give up her seat for a white man. Rosa was than arrested and convicted of violated the law of segregation known as the (Jim Crow Laws).
  • Boycott

    Montgomery bus boycott begins.
  • Banning seating on buses

    Supreme court bans segregated seating on Montgomery buses.
  • William Edwards JR.

    William Edwards JR. killed by Kiansmen Montgomery , Alabama.
  • The Civil Rights Act Of 1957

    President Eisenhower passed the civil rights act of 1957 . The act ensured all African Amercain could excersise there right to vote.
  • President Esienhower

    President Eisenhower orders federal troops to enforce school desgregation in Little Rock , Arkansas.
  • Mack Charles Parker

    Taken from jail and lynched .
  • Staging

    Black students stage sit- in at ''whites only'' lunch counter.
  • Attack Of Freedom Riders

    A group of 13 African Amercains and white civil rights activist launched freedom rides, a series of of bus trips through the America South to protest segregation in interstate bus terminals.The Congress Of Racial Equality and Student Nonvioleting Coordinating Comitte helped organize the freedom riders The freedom riders were both black and whites,
  • Herbert Lee

    Voter registration worker killed by white legislator.
  • Civil Rights Group

    Civil rights groups join forces to launch voter registration drive.
  • Cpl. Roman Ducksworth.

    Taken from bus and killed by police.
  • James Meredith enrolls at Ole MIss

    Meredith decided to exercise his constitutional rights and apply to the UNiversity Of mississippi to enforce civil rights of African Amercains. As the mission to do so he was shot by a white many with numerous wounds. The govemernt got envoled by, calling out some 31,000 National Gaurdian and other federal forces to enforce order.
  • Paul Guihard

    French reporters killed during ole missippi.
  • Birmingham

    Birmingham police attack marching children with dogs ans fire hoses.
  • George Wallace

    Alabama Govenor George Wallace stands in schoolhouse door to stop university intergation.
  • Medgar Evers Assassinated

    medgar evers was a African Amercain civil rights activist from mississippi. Evers civil rights leadership and investigation work made him a target of white supremacists
  • The March On Washington

    This was a tool used to organize a mass march on washington D.C in which was designed to pressure the U.S goverment into desegreting the armed forces and providing fair working opportunites for Afrcian Americans. ''I Have a Dream'' was the famous public speech.
  • Addie May Collins , Densie Mcnair, Carole Wesley , Caroline Robertson , Cynthia Wesley

    Schoolgirls killed in bombing id sixteenth street baptist church.
  • Virgirl Lamar Ware

    Youth killed during wave of racist violence.
  • Poll Tax

    Outlawed in federal elections.
  • Louis Allen

    Witness to murder of civil rights worker asassinated.
  • March to Selma

    The march to selma was organized for African Amercains to desire there constitutional right to vote ,in defense of segregationist repression. The marchers were attacked with billy clubs and tear gas. The outcome was, only (300 out of 15,000) got to registure to vote.
  • The Rev Bruce Klunder

    Killed protesting construction of segregated shcool.
  • Henry Hezekiah & Charles Eddie Moore

    killed by Klansmen.
  • James Chaney, Andrew Goodman , Michael Schwerner

    Civil rights workers abducted and slain by Klansmen.
  • Civil Rights Act Of 1964

    President Lyndon B. Johnson passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This outlawd discrimination based on race , color , religion , sex or national orgin.
  • President Johnson

    Signs Civil Rights Act of 1964.
  • LT. Col Lemuel Penn

    Killed by Klansmen while driving north.
  • Jimmie Lee Jackson

    Civil Rights marcher killed by state trooper.
  • Edmunt Pettus Bridge

    State troopers beat back marchers at Edmunt Pettus Bridge.
  • The Rav James Reeb

    March volunteer beaten to death.
  • Selma

    Thousands complete the Selma Mongomery votings right march.
  • Viola Gregg Liuzzo

    Killed by Klansmen while transporting marchers.
  • Oneal Moore

    Black deputy killed by nightriders.
  • Act of 1965

    Congress passes Voting Rights Act of 1965.
  • Willie Brewster

    Killed by nightriders.
  • Jonathan Daniels

    Seminary students killed by deputy.
  • Samuel Younge Jr.

    Student civil rights activist killed in a dispute.
  • Vernon Dahmer

    Black community leader killed in Klan bombing.
  • Ben Chester White

    Killed by Klansmen.
  • Wharlest Jackson

    Civil rights leader killed after promotion to 'white' job.
  • Benjamin Brown

    Civil rights worker killed when police tried on protesters.
  • Samuel Hammond JR, Delano Middleton , Henery Smith

    Student killed when highway patromen fire on protesters.
  • The Assination Of Dr. Martin Luther King

    A schedual event was planned during his assination. This assination of Dr. Martin Luther King affected the whites and blacks by , showing weather he was alive or dead there one day will be freedom just from how cruel his assination was.
  • Little Rock Of arkansa

    Govenor orval Faubus orderd the Arkansas National Gaurd to prevent African Amercain students from enrolling in central highschool. The govement protected the students by ordering troops to go in and protect the students.
  • Thurgood Marshall first black supreme court justice

    Marshall was a lawyer , a well known one for argueing against the supreme court before he was a justice. This was a monumental event when Marshall becsme a justice because, he was the first Africain Amercain named to U.S supreme court.