Brown v. Board of Education
supreme courts out law school segregation in Brown v. Board of Education. Plessy v. Ferguson was the court case that allowed seperate but equal facilities. THe case was started by 13 parents on behalf of their kids. They did not think that they were being treated equal.The court ended up declaring it unconstitutional to have separater public schools for black and white students. -
George Lee killed
Rev. George Lee killed for leading voter-regstration drive in Belzoni, Mississippi -
Lamar smith killed
Lamar smith was murdered for organizing black voters in Brookhaven, Mississippi -
Emmet Till murdered
Emmett Louis Till murfered for talking to a white woman in Money,Mississippi -
John Reese killed
John Earl Reese slainn by night riders opposed school improvements in Mayflower,Texas -
Rosa Parks arrested
Rosa parks was arrested for refusing to give up her bus seat to a white man in Montgomery, Alabama. She is arrested for violating segregation laws. -
bus boycott begins
Montgomery Boycott begins -
seating on bus segregations banned
supreme court bans segregated seating on Montgomery, Alabama -
willie Edward Jr. killed
Willie edward jr. killed by Klansmen in Montgomery, Alabama -
civil rights act passed
Congress passes first civil rights act since reconstuction. It initiated a greater federal role in protecting the rights of African Americans and other minorities. It didnt actually make new rights, it just increased protection of the rights. -
school desegregation enforced
Nine black students couldn't get into their high school, which was preveously an only white school. To protect the African American Students President Eisenhower orders federal troops to enforce school desegregation and escort the nine black students to their class safely in litlle rock, arkansas. -
MAck parker lynched
MAck Charles Parker taken from jail and lynched in poparville, Mississippi -
blacks stage sit-in
Black students stage a sit-in at "whites only"lunch counter in Greensboro, NC -
bus terminal segregation outlawed
supreme court outlaws segregation in bus terminals -
Freedom Riders attacked
Freedom riders attacked in Alabama while testing compliance with bus desegregation laws. Freedom riders were freedom rights activists that rode interstate buses in southern states. CORE and SNCC helped organize the rides. Both whites and African aAmericans participated in Freedom rides. -
Herbert Lee killed
Herbert Lee, a voting regestration worker killed by white legislator in Liberty, Mississippi -
voter registration drive launched
Civil rights groups join forces to launch voter registration drive -
Roman Ducksworth JR. Taken from bus and killed
Cpl. Roman Ducksworth Jr. taken from bus and killed by police in Taylorsville, Mississippi -
Reporter killed in riots
French reporter, Paul Guihard, killed during Ole Miss riots in Oxford Mississippi -
james Meredith enrolls at Ole Miss
James Meridith, a black student,enrolled at Ole Miss. The school rejected him becuase of his race. The supreme court ruled that Meridith had the right to go there. Riots errupted. JFK sent state troops to stop the riots and let Meridith enroll. -
William Moore killed
William Lewis Moore slain during one-man march against segregatin in Artalla, Alabama -
Police attack marching Children
Birmingham police attack marching children with dogs and fire hoses -
gov. of alabama tries to stop university integration
Alabama Govener, George Wallace, standed in front of schoolhouse to stop university integration. -
civil rights leader killed
Medgar Evers ,who was a Civil rights leader, was assassinated in Jackson, Mississippi. After returning from overseas in WW2, he finiished secondary school and became a civil rights activist. He was assassinated by a White Citizens' council. -
250,000 march
250,000 people marched in Washington for Civil Rights. The famous spech given was Martin Luther King Jr. "i have a dream..." speech. -
School girls killed in Bombing
Schhol girls,Addie Mae Collins, Denise McNair, Carole Robertson, Cynthia Wesley, killed in bombing of sixteenth steet baptist church in Birmingham, Alabama -
Youth killed in racist violence
youth,Virgil Lamar Ware, killed during wave of racist violence in Birmingham, Alabama -
Poll tax outlawed
Poll tax outlawed in federal elections -
Witness to murder assassinated
Witness to murder of civil rights worker assassinated,Louis Allen, in Liberty, Mississippi -
BRuce Klunder killed
The Rev. Bruce Klunder killed protesting construction of segregated school in Cleveland, Ohio -
2 killed by Klansmen
Henery Hezeklaz Dee and Charles Eddie Moore killed by Klansmen in MEadville, Mississippi -
civil rights volenteers brought to Mississippi
Freedom Summer brings 1,000 young civil rights volunteers to Mississippi -
Civil rights workers killed
Civil rights workers, James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwerner, abducted and slain by klansmen in Philadelphia, Mississippi -
Civil rights act signed by Pres
Pres. Johnson signs Civil Rights act of 1964. This act outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin -
Lt. Col Penn killed
Lt. Col Lemuel Penn killed by klansmen while driving north in Colbert, Georgia -
Jimmie Jackson killed
civil rights marcher,jimmie Lee Jackson, killed by state trooper in Marion, Albama -
march to Selma
The march was organized as a part of the voting rights movement in Alabama. They faced police and Storm Troops that would attack the peace march with things like tear gas. The result of the march was outrage to "bloodly Sunday" and some civil disobedience, and that, that summer a voting rights act wsa passed. -
Rev. James Reeb beaten to death
The rev. James Reeb march volunteer beaten to death in Selma, Alabama -
voting rights march completed
Thousands complete the Selma to Montgomery voting Rights March -
Viola Liuzzo killed by Klansmen
Viola Gregg Liuzzi killed by Klansmen while transporting marchers on Selma Highway in Alabama -
Black Deputy killed
Black Deputy,Oneal Moore, killed by nightriders in Varnado, Louisiana -
Voting Rights act passed
Congress passed the Voting Right Act of 1965. The law stated that it is prohibits racial discrimination in voting. -
Willie Brewster killed
Willie Bruster killed by night riders in Anniston , Alabama -
Student killed by deputy
Semitary student, Jonathan Daniels, killed by deputy in Hayneville, Alabama -
Samuel Younge Jr. Killed
Student and civil righs activist, Samuel Younge Jr., Killed in dispute in Tushkegee,Alabama -
Black Community leader killed in bombing
Black community keader, Veron Dahmer, killed iin klan Bombing in Hattiesburg,Mississippi -
Ben White killed
BEnn Chester White Kileed by Klansmen in Natchez, Mississippi -
Clarence Triggs killed
Clarence Triggs slain by nightriders in Bogalusa, Louisiana -
Students killed in protest
Samuel Hammond Jr., Delano Middleton, Henery smitth, studemts, killed when highway patrolmen fire on protesters in Orangeburg, Sc -
Civil rights leader killed
Cilivil rights leader, Wharlest Jackson, killed after being promoted to a "white" job in Natchez, Mississippi -
Civil rights worked killedby police
Civil rights worker, BEnjamin Brown, killed when police fired at protesters -
first black supremem court judge
Thurgood Marshall sworn in as first black Supreme court justice. Before, he had gotten his law degree and was a cheif counsil in NAACP. This was monomental event becuase it was a huge step to full equality for African Americans. -
MLK Jr. Assassinated
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in Memphis, Tennesse. MLK Jr. was shot and rushed to a hospitale but was prononced dead later that day. To honor his death their was a silent march where nearly 40,000 people walked in silence in Memphis. Some riots broke out to in reaction to his death. His death had a big impact on many becuase he was a huge leader for change and many admired and looked up to him.