Brown v Board of Education Ruling
-Thurgood Marshal, argued for Brown in the case. NAACP's lawyer
-Linda Brown wanted to go to a white school closer to her home, case was argues in front of Warren court
-Public Schools became de-segregated -
Congress of Racial Equality Founded (CORE)
-Civil Rights: goal to protect individual freedom from the government
-A group of students founded
-Counseled migrants, and black social workers
1st action: sit-in at segregated coffee shop -
Jackie Robinson Hired to the Brooklyn Dodgers
-Color line: a barrier that separated the blacks and whites
-Involved Jacky Robison and the dodgers crossing the color line to break segregation in sports
-Jacky later led his team to six league championships and one World Series victory -
Executive Order 9981
-segregation: the action of someone or something being apart from someone or something
-Involved President Harry S. Truman Ending all military segregation
-On July 26, 1948, Truman signed the policy -
Birmingham Campaign: Letter from a Birmingham Jail
-SCLC: The christian church involving the African American people and closely involving the first president Martin Luther King Jr
-Involved the whites refusing to mix with the blacks
-Birmingham, Alabama, was considered the most segregated city in the country -
Civil Rights Act of 1964
-Plessy v. Ferguson: was a landmarking stating different but equal meaning the whites and blacks had the same laws for public facilities
-Involved the whites making a law saying theres no more desegragtion
-Most important civil rights law passed since Reconstruction -
First Lunch Counter Sit-in
-Jim Crow Laws & Sit-In: unwritten rule where you didn't have to serve blacks if you didn't want to
-Involved the blacks going into white restaurant
-Blacks were sitting there trying to get there point across so they could be equal with the whites to eat anywhere they wanted -
Freedom Rides
-Civil Disobedience & SNCC: refusing to obey the laws and the nonviolent protest
-Involved blacks and whites riding a bus to the south
-When they got there a white mod attacked the bus and threw a fire bomb in the first bus and beat the people in the second bus -
Integration of Central High School
-Little Rock Nine: The 9 black people that went to Little Rock Central High School
-Involved black and white kids in the schools
-Most of the whites despised having the blacks in the white school so the government sent troops around with the black kids in the schools -
March on Washington
-NAACP: This means that the blacks get the same school, politic, and social rights as the whites
-This involves the black marching to washing to get there rights like the whites
-The march was suppose to happen in 1941 -
Start of the Montgomery Bus Boycott
-Boycott & Rosa Parks: Rosa Parks was the black girl who refused to move out of her seat when the whites told her to get to the back, this happened 4 days before the Boycott it started it
-The blacks stopped riding the bus and walked, drove, or carpooled everywhere
-The whites got to sit in the front while the blacks had to sit in the back before the blacks protested and won -
Voting Rights Act of 1965
-Disenfranchise: is the right to vote
-Blacks and whites were involved in this
-The whites didn't let the blacks vote easy. Blacks had to do many protest until 1965 when blacks were aloud to vote -
Black Panther Party Founded
-Black Power: a political slogan used by african american people in the US aimed at achieving self-determination of African decent
-Involved the African American
-Black power had a variety of meanings -
Period: to
Advocates for Black Nationalism
-Nation of Islam, Malcom X: African American leader of the Islam who created different of concepts of race pride and black nationalism in the early 1960s
-Involved African leader of the Islam
-The leader drifted into a life of crimes as a teenager -
Regents of the Univeristy of California v. Bakke
-Affirmative action: policy favoring those who tend to suffer from discrimination
-involved whites and blacks about schools
-Lewis Powell, thought race could be used as a criterion in choosing students but opposed the system of preferential treatment used by the University of California -
Civil Rights Act of 1968
-discrimination: unjust or prejudicial treatment on race, sex, or age
-Involved the whites and blacks breaking sale segregation
-Gave the government authority to file lawsuits against those who violated the law -
Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenberg Board of Education
-desegregation: the ending of a policy of racial segregation
-Included black and white kids from schools
-In 1970 federal judge ordered to use busing to integrate its schools -
Watts Riot
-Kerner Commission & ghettos: National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders that concluded that white racism was the fundamental cause of the Watts riot
-involved blaks having riots
-Black gets were in Los Angeles and they were caused by frustration about poverty, pre justice, and police mistreatment