Brown v. Board of Education
- Plessy v. Ferguson
- A young black girl was not allowed in her school because of her race
- Court declared state laws establishing separate public schools for black and white students to be unconstitutional
Lamar Smith murdered
- Lamar Smith (activist) killed.
- Brookhaven, Mississippi
- Three men shot him for helping other blacks try to help give black rights
Rosa Parks arrested for refusing to give up her bus seat
- Rosa had gotten on the bus after a long day of work, the bus driver asked her and three other African Americans to move, the two complied while Rosa refused to move. She was then arrested and charged.
- A riot began and bus segregation ended
Civil Rights Act of 1957
- President Eisenhower
- Primarily a voting rights bill
Events at Little Rock, Arkansas
- 9 African American students enrolled at an all white Central High School
- He had the National Guard protect them
Attack of the Freedom Riders
1.They rode interstate buses into the segregated south of the U.S.
2. CORE; civil rights activists
3. Whites joined in too -
James Meredith Enrolls at Ole Miss
- The Governor of Mississippi sais he was not aloud to enroll because it was against the laws of Mississippi
- He showed up at one of his court cases and sais he could not enroll because it was against the law
Paul Guilard killed at Ole Miss Riot
- Ole Miss Riot
- Oxford, Mississippi
- People were protesting against James Meredith and 2 people were shot, one being Paul Guilard
Birmingham Campaign
- Birmingham Campaign 2.Birmingham, Alabama
- Teens and children who were black were hit with water and attacked by police dogs for their race and segregation
Medgar Evers Assassinated
- An African American activist from Mississippi
- He worked on voting rights, registration, economic opportunity, and access to public facilities for blacks (black rights) was assassinated by a member of the White Citizens Council
The March on Washington
1.People through a political rally for rights and freedom
2. Martin Luther King Jr. 'I have a Dream' speech -
Civil Rights Act of 1964
- President Lyndon Johnson
- Outlawed Discrimination based on sex, race, religion, color.
Lemuel Penn killed by Klansmen
- Klansmen
- Colbert, Georgia 3.KKK were on a rampage and chased his car and shot him
March to Selma
- To register black voters in the south
- The local county sheriff in Dallas county led a steadfast opposition to black voter registration drive
- The Voting Rights Act passed
Black deputy killed by Nightriders
- Nightriders
- Varando, Louisiana
- The nightriders was another word for tobacco farmers and police officer was killed
Thurgood Marshall first black Supreme Court Justice
- Went to college for law/ helped blacks
- He truly helped blacks when it came to law and changed history
The Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King
- He was in Memphis, Tenessee standing on the second floor of his balcony supporting a sanitation workers' strike.
- Many blacks relied on Martin to help them, they always thought he would be there to stand up for them. Many whites weren't expecting that so riots broke out.