
Civil Rights Timeline

  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    1. Plessy v. Ferguson
    2. A young black girl was not allowed in her school because of her race
    3. Court declared state laws establishing separate public schools for black and white students to be unconstitutional
  • Lamar Smith murdered

    Lamar Smith murdered
    1. Lamar Smith (activist) killed.
    2. Brookhaven, Mississippi
    3. Three men shot him for helping other blacks try to help give black rights
  • Rosa Parks arrested for refusing to give up her bus seat

    Rosa Parks arrested for refusing to give up her bus seat
    1. Rosa had gotten on the bus after a long day of work, the bus driver asked her and three other African Americans to move, the two complied while Rosa refused to move. She was then arrested and charged.
    2. A riot began and bus segregation ended
  • Civil Rights Act of 1957

    Civil Rights Act of 1957
    1. President Eisenhower
    2. Primarily a voting rights bill
  • Events at Little Rock, Arkansas

    Events at Little Rock, Arkansas
    1. 9 African American students enrolled at an all white Central High School
    2. He had the National Guard protect them
  • Attack of the Freedom Riders

    Attack of the Freedom Riders
    1.They rode interstate buses into the segregated south of the U.S.
    2. CORE; civil rights activists
    3. Whites joined in too
  • James Meredith Enrolls at Ole Miss

    James Meredith Enrolls at Ole Miss
    1. The Governor of Mississippi sais he was not aloud to enroll because it was against the laws of Mississippi
    2. He showed up at one of his court cases and sais he could not enroll because it was against the law
  • Paul Guilard killed at Ole Miss Riot

    Paul Guilard killed at Ole Miss Riot
    1. Ole Miss Riot
    2. Oxford, Mississippi
    3. People were protesting against James Meredith and 2 people were shot, one being Paul Guilard
  • Birmingham Campaign

    Birmingham Campaign
    1. Birmingham Campaign 2.Birmingham, Alabama
    2. Teens and children who were black were hit with water and attacked by police dogs for their race and segregation
  • Medgar Evers Assassinated

    Medgar Evers Assassinated
    1. An African American activist from Mississippi
    2. He worked on voting rights, registration, economic opportunity, and access to public facilities for blacks (black rights) was assassinated by a member of the White Citizens Council
  • The March on Washington

    The March on Washington
    1.People through a political rally for rights and freedom
    2. Martin Luther King Jr. 'I have a Dream' speech
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    1. President Lyndon Johnson
    2. Outlawed Discrimination based on sex, race, religion, color.
  • Lemuel Penn killed by Klansmen

    Lemuel Penn killed by Klansmen
    1. Klansmen
    2. Colbert, Georgia 3.KKK were on a rampage and chased his car and shot him
  • March to Selma

    March to Selma
    1. To register black voters in the south
    2. The local county sheriff in Dallas county led a steadfast opposition to black voter registration drive
    3. The Voting Rights Act passed
  • Black deputy killed by Nightriders

    Black deputy killed by Nightriders
    1. Nightriders
    2. Varando, Louisiana
    3. The nightriders was another word for tobacco farmers and police officer was killed
  • Thurgood Marshall first black Supreme Court Justice

    Thurgood Marshall first black Supreme Court Justice
    1. Went to college for law/ helped blacks
    2. He truly helped blacks when it came to law and changed history
  • The Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King

    The Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King
    1. He was in Memphis, Tenessee standing on the second floor of his balcony supporting a sanitation workers' strike.
    2. Many blacks relied on Martin to help them, they always thought he would be there to stand up for them. Many whites weren't expecting that so riots broke out.