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Civil Rights Timeline

  • Congress of Racial Equality Founded (CORE)

    Congress of Racial Equality Founded (CORE)
    -Civil Rights: goal to protect individual freedom from the government
    - A group of students founded it
    - counseled migrants, and black social workers
    -1st action: sit-in at segregated coffee shop
  • Dodger's HIRE Jackie Robinson

    Dodger's HIRE Jackie Robinson
    -color line is a barrier that separates whites from nonwhites
    - Jackie Robinson and the Dodgers- breaking the color line
    - Robinson took the field in 1947
  • Executive Order 9981

    Executive Order 9981
    -segregation- grouping people by race/belief
    - President Truman signs this Executive Order, it effects those in the military
    -Executive Order 9981 ends armed forces segregation
  • Malcolm X is Released from Prison

    Malcolm X is Released from Prison
    Malcom X is released from prison and begins advocating for Black Nationalism
    Nation of Islam
  • Brown v. Board of Education Ruling

    Brown v. Board of Education Ruling
    -Thurgood Marshall, argued for Brown in the case. NAACP's lawyer.
    -Linda Brown wanted to go to a white to her home, case was argued in front of the Warren Court
    -Result: Public Schools became de-segregated
  • Start of the Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Start of the Montgomery Bus Boycott
    • Occurred in Montgomery Alabama after Rosa Parks is arrested for not giving her seat to a white person
    • MLK lead -resulted in de-segregation of bus system
  • Integration of Central High School

    Integration of Central High School
    -Little Rock Nine-first nine black students who integrated into a white school
    -Little Rock Nine students were not welcomed into their new school
    -students were escorted with troops to school
  • First Lunch Counter Sit-Ins

    First Lunch Counter Sit-Ins
    -sit-in: sitting in a public facility as a means of peaceful protesting
    -Jim Crow Laws: laws that made racial segregation okay in the south
    - African American college kids went into Woolsworth Cafe everyday
    - These students were often attacked by white customers and store owners
  • Freedom Rides

    Freedom Rides
    -Civil Disobedience: peaceful protest against something protester disagrees with
    -CORE was involved with organizing these Freedom Rides
    -CORE ended up abandoning the Freedom Rides, but SNCC continued them
    -some freedom riders were beat up for their cause
  • Integration of Ole Miss

    Integration of Ole Miss
    James Meredith (black man) tries to attend Ole Miss University in Mississippi
    Riots erupt as a result of very segregated south
  • Birmingham Campaign: Letter from Birmingham Jail

    Birmingham Campaign: Letter from Birmingham Jail
    MLK is arrested and writes his famous Letter from Birmingham Jail
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    250,000 people gathered to rally support for African American Rights in Washington D.C.
    MLK delivers "I Have a Dream" Speech
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    -Plessy v. Ferguson: 1896 case that determined separate but equal facilities
    - Originally Kennedy's idea, President Johnson was able to get passed
    -Civil Rights Act banned discrimination
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965

    Voting Rights Act of 1965
    -disenfranchise means not allowing people to vote
    -congress passed the Voting Rights Act of 1965
    -African Americans got the right to vote because of this Act
  • Watts Riot (ruling)

    Watts Riot (ruling)
    Kerner Commission determines it was caused by white racism
  • Black Panther Party Founded

    Black Panther Party Founded
    Black Power: group of activists that were not focused on nonviolent protesting
    SNCC: Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
    -blacks and the Nation of Islam were influenced by the leaders Malcom X, Huey Newton, and Bobby Steale
    -were okay with violence
    -wanted to make a change
    -developed a 10 point platform to achieve their goals
  • Civil Rights Act of 1968

    Civil Rights Act of 1968
    MLK assassinated on April 4, 1968
    The Civil Rights Act of 1968 banned discrimination of housing based on race, religion, national origin, and sex.
  • Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education

    Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education
    ruling determines that bussing black and white students to schools is an appropriate way to de-segregate the school system