Congress of Racial Equality Founded (CORE)
-Civil Rights: goal to protect individual freedom from the government
- A group of students founded it
- counseled migrants, and black social workers
-1st action: sit-in at segregated coffee shop -
Dodger's HIRE Jackie Robinson
-color line is a barrier that separates whites from nonwhites
- Jackie Robinson and the Dodgers- breaking the color line
- Robinson took the field in 1947 -
Executive Order 9981
-segregation- grouping people by race/belief
- President Truman signs this Executive Order, it effects those in the military
-Executive Order 9981 ends armed forces segregation -
Malcolm X is Released from Prison
Malcom X is released from prison and begins advocating for Black Nationalism
Nation of Islam -
Brown v. Board of Education Ruling
-Thurgood Marshall, argued for Brown in the case. NAACP's lawyer.
-Linda Brown wanted to go to a white to her home, case was argued in front of the Warren Court
-Result: Public Schools became de-segregated -
Start of the Montgomery Bus Boycott
- Occurred in Montgomery Alabama after Rosa Parks is arrested for not giving her seat to a white person
- MLK lead -resulted in de-segregation of bus system
Integration of Central High School
-Little Rock Nine-first nine black students who integrated into a white school
-Little Rock Nine students were not welcomed into their new school
-students were escorted with troops to school -
First Lunch Counter Sit-Ins
-sit-in: sitting in a public facility as a means of peaceful protesting
-Jim Crow Laws: laws that made racial segregation okay in the south
- African American college kids went into Woolsworth Cafe everyday
- These students were often attacked by white customers and store owners -
Freedom Rides
-Civil Disobedience: peaceful protest against something protester disagrees with
-CORE was involved with organizing these Freedom Rides
-CORE ended up abandoning the Freedom Rides, but SNCC continued them
-some freedom riders were beat up for their cause -
Integration of Ole Miss
James Meredith (black man) tries to attend Ole Miss University in Mississippi
Riots erupt as a result of very segregated south -
Birmingham Campaign: Letter from Birmingham Jail
MLK is arrested and writes his famous Letter from Birmingham Jail -
March on Washington
250,000 people gathered to rally support for African American Rights in Washington D.C.
MLK delivers "I Have a Dream" Speech -
Civil Rights Act of 1964
-Plessy v. Ferguson: 1896 case that determined separate but equal facilities
- Originally Kennedy's idea, President Johnson was able to get passed
-Civil Rights Act banned discrimination -
Voting Rights Act of 1965
-disenfranchise means not allowing people to vote
-congress passed the Voting Rights Act of 1965
-African Americans got the right to vote because of this Act -
Watts Riot (ruling)
Kerner Commission determines it was caused by white racism
Ghettos -
Black Panther Party Founded
Black Power: group of activists that were not focused on nonviolent protesting
SNCC: Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
-blacks and the Nation of Islam were influenced by the leaders Malcom X, Huey Newton, and Bobby Steale
-were okay with violence
-wanted to make a change
-developed a 10 point platform to achieve their goals -
Civil Rights Act of 1968
MLK assassinated on April 4, 1968
The Civil Rights Act of 1968 banned discrimination of housing based on race, religion, national origin, and sex. -
Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education
ruling determines that bussing black and white students to schools is an appropriate way to de-segregate the school system