Brown V Board of Education
NAACP combine case and take supreme court 9-0 to court but the students never go to school with whites -
Murder of Emmet Till
Accused of whistling at a white woman, 3 days later he was kidnapped by Roy Bryant and other white men. They beat him causing sever injuries to his face ending it all with shooting young Emmet -
Rosa Parks and bus boycott
Rosa is arrested for not giving up her seat to a white man and is fined $10 after this MLK sends out flyers to start bus boycott -
Little Rock 9
9 students wanted to go to white school so the governor of Arkansas called the national guard to stop them, president eisenhawer calls1200 military men to escort these students to school in 1959 schools would be fully disegregated -
Southern Christian Leadership
A meeting for black church pastors to coordinate events for blacks people. MLK is the president of the non violent group. This group also helped register blacks to vote. -
Greensboro sit ins
Group of black teen go to Wordsworth to buy stuff then went to sit at a lunch counter and were refused service and asked to leave but they stayed and started walking inviting more blacks -
Freedom Riders
Diverse group of volunteers from 39 states mostly college students arrived in Aniston, Alabama but were blocked by the KKK who then slashed their tires and firebombed the bus they were in -
March on Washington
250,000 people marched in Washington it was a peaceful protest for their freedom. MLK would give his “I have a dream” speech here. -
Civil Rights
Enabled federal government to prevent racial discrimination and segregation based on race and religion or national origin in private businesses or facilities -
Malcolm X
Civil Rights leader who was part of the Nation of Islam. He wanted blacks to be proud of their skin color and urged them to start businesses -
March from Selma to Montgomery
Black protesters marched 56 miles to register to vote in Montgomery but were stopped at endmard bridge where troops let loose on the protesters -
Voting rights act of 1965
Enabling the right to vote of African Americans any discrimination in voting.
Now a federal matter not state. -
Assassination of MLK
Martin Luther King was shot dead while standing on a balcony outside his second-floor room at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee. News of King's assassination prompted major outbreaks of racial violence, resulting in more than 40 deaths nationwide.