Civil Rights Timeline

  • Dodger's Hire Jackie Robison

    Dodger's Hire Jackie Robison
    Color line is a barrier that separates whites from non whites
    Jackie Robinson and the Dodgers break the color line
    Robinson took the field in 1947
  • Executive Order 9981

    Executive Order 9981
    Segregation- Grouping people be group or color
    President signs the executive Order - It effects those in the military
    Executive Order 9981 ends segregation in the military
  • advocates for blacks

    advocates for blacks
    nation of islam means separating blacks and whites. racial groups are known as muslim groups.
  • Brown vs Board of Education Ruling

    Brown vs Board of Education Ruling
    Thrurgood Marshall is the lead attorney for NAACP
    Separate schools for blacks and whites are unconstitutional
    It was a start for civil rights for all
  • Voting Rights Act

    Voting Rights Act
    disenfranchise means not letting people vote
  • First Lunch

    First Lunch
    jim crow sit in means the counters were reserved for whites only
  • Watts Riot and Kerner Commission

    Riot lasted 6 days -34 people died , 900 injured, 4000 arrested
  • Watts Riot + Kener Commission

    Riot lasted 6 days - 34 killed - 900 injured -4000 arrested
    Kerner Commission- Concluded our nation was moving toward a separate nation - one black, one white
  • Montgomery bus boycott

    Montgomery bus boycott
    social relations
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    discrimination means being disrespectful toward blacks
  • Swann v Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education

    Judge order the district to use buses to integrate schools
  • Regents of the University of California v Bakke

    Upheld affirmative action by declaring that race could be used as one of the criteria in admissions decisions