Civil Rights Timeline

  • Period: to


  • Thomas Jefferson Elected 3rd United States President

    Jefferson was a slave owner and yet he still became the third president of the united states. The slaves that were of monticello were given a very limited education.
  • Banning of the slave trade.

    Although the trading of slaves was banned the british there was still slavery there was nothing that allowed britain to ban slavery all together.
  • Banning on the import of slaves.

    although there was the banning of the slave trade and now the banning on the importation of slaves there was still slavery in the country.
  • James Madison presidency

    Madison was the 4th president of the united states but, the fact that he owned slaves was favored by most of his followers/voters.
  • John Quincy Adams Presidency.

    When Adams became presidnt he inherited a lo tof thing including all of his fathers slaves and the land they inhabited.
  • American Anti-Slavery Society

    Group formed agaisnt the action and thought of slavery anywhere.
  • Dred Scott decision.

    a slave who had lived in a free territory, sues for his freedom on the grounds his residence on free soil liberates him.
  • civil war begins

    major battle over southern states seceded form the uniin after the electiong of president
  • 19th Amendment

    Gives women the right to vote. year specific
  • Executive Order

    banning discrimination against minorities in defense contracts.
  • First womens rights convention

    Meeting that discussed the law of women being able to vote.
  • Montgomery bus boycott

    city announces it will comply with a November Supreme Court ruling declaring segregation on buses illegal
  • I have a dream!

    Martin Luther King Jr. made the I have a dream speech on this day. He spoke up as an advocate for those who were affected by descrimination between black and white people.
  • March on Washington

    quarter of a million people participate in the March on Washington
  • Thurgood Marshall

    becomes the first African American justice of the Supreme Court.
    He was the 96th supreme court justice.
  • Debate over decriminatio over homosexuality

    Board of Trustees of the American Psychiatric Association votes unanimously to strike from its manuals the classification of homosexuality as a mental illness.
  • First national womens conference

    Host of reforms aimed at empowering women and providing them with equal opportunity.
  • Plyer VS. Doe

    Couldn't find specific date for this supreme cout case.
    But argued that the children of illegal immigrants have a right to free public schooling.
  • Bob Jones University VS. United States

    denying tax exemption to private schools that practice racial discrimination.
  • Davis VS. Monroe

    Supreme court case debating that harassment of students by teachers or other students and may recieve money for their injuries.