Brown v. Board of Education
1) Plessy v. Ferguson Supreme Court.
2) A young African American girl named Linda Brown was denied admission to her neighborhood school in Topeka Kansas because of her race.
3)The Supreme Court ruled unanimously that segregation in schools was unconstitutional. -
Lamar Smith murdered
1) Lamar Smith was murdered for organizing black voters.
2) This happened in Brookhaven, Mississippi.
3) Larmar Smith was at the court house persuading blacks to fill out ballets to get more votes for the run-off election. He was then shot outside of the court house. -
Emmett Louis Till murdered
1) Emmett Till was murdered for speaking to a white woman.
2) This happened in Money, Mississippi.
3) Emmett Till was visiting his family who lived in the south. While he was there, he flirted with a white woman who worked at the store he went into. Later that week Emmett was kidnapped and murdered by two white men. -
Rosa Parks
1) Rosa Parks decided to challenge segregation of public transportation. She did this by refusing to give up her seat to a white person.
2) As a result Rosa Parks got arrested. Upset by this, the head of the Women's Political Council had African Americans boycott Montgomery's buses on the day Rosa appeared in court. -
Civil Rights Act of 1957
1) President Eisenhower passed the Civil Rights Act of 1957 into a law.
2) The law was intended to protect the right of African Americans to vote. -
Little Rock, Arkansas
1) In Little Rock Arkansas, governor Orval Faubus ordered troops to prevent nine African American students from entering Central High. Riots began to break out to intimate the young African American students.
2) In order to protect the African American students, the government removed the troops from the school. This was still not enough, the mobs were getting even worse. This lead President Eisenhower to order the U.S army to protect the children to make sure they got to school safely. -
Attack Of The Freedom Riders
1) The Freedom Riders were a group of people who protested the South's refusal to integrate bus terminals. They rode buses to Montgomery, Alabama and faced gangs of men armed with weapons such as baseball bats, chains and lead pipes.
2) An organisation named CORE helped organize Freedom Riders.
3) The Freedom Riders consisted of blacks and whites. -
James Meredith enrolls at Ole Miss
1) When James Meredith tried to enroll at Ole Miss the governor of Missispppi stoped him.
2) To try and help, the government had marshals escort James to school. Rioting white mobs injured many of the marshals. As a result, the government sent many troops to the campus. James Meredith attended Ole Miss for the rest of the year. -
Medgar Evers Assassinated
1) Medgar Evers was a Civil Rights activist from Mississippi who organized voter registration efforts and boycotted companies that practiced discrimination.
2) Evers was shot in the back in his driveway after attending a NAACP meeting. -
The March On Washington
1) The purpose of the March on Washington was to gain public support for the Civil Rights movement. It was also an opportunity to get Kennedy's attention so he wouldn't have a difficult time getting the bill passed through congress.
2) When everyone met in Washington, Dr. King made his "I have a dream" speech. -
Virgil Lamar Ware Youth killed during wave of racist violence
1) Virgil Lamar Ware was killed during a wave of racist violence.
2) This took place in Birmingham, Alabama
3) Virgil Lamar Ware was killed by two white teenagers following a bombing at a local church. He was on his way to deliver papers and was not involved in the bombing. He was one of the innocent casualties of the racial violence in the South during the Civil Rights movement. -
Civil Rights Act of 1964
1) President Johnson passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 into a law.
2) This law made segregation illegal in most public places. It also gave citizens of all races and nationalities equal access to utilities. It ended discrimination in the workforce. This law established the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission which banned job discrimination. -
Jimmie Lee Jackson killed
1) Jimmie Lee Jackson was a Civil Rights marcher who was killed by a state trooper.
2) This happened in Marion, Alabama
3) Jimmie Lee Jackson was killed after attending a peaceful Civil Rights rally. His death inspried a demonstration that lead to the Voting Rights Act. -
March to Selma
1) The March to Selma was organized to pressure the president to allow African Americans to vote.
2) The marchers faced opposition from the sheriff and officers. There were brutal attacks which lead to many African Americans ending up hospitalized or severely injured.
3) The outcome of the march lead President Johnson to propose a new voting rights law. -
Benjamin Brown killed
1) Benjamin Brown was killed for being a protester at a demonstration.
2) This took place in Jackson, Mississippi
3) Benjamin Brown was participating in a Civil Rights demonstration. National Guard troops fired on the crowd hitting and killing Brown. -
Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshell
1) Before becoming a justice, Marshall served as the chief legal counsel for the NAACP. He helped to make segreation in schools unconstitutional.
2) This was a monumental event because it allowed African Americans to be treated equally with education opportunities. -
The Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King
1) During the assassination, Dr. King was attending a march in Memphis Tennessee. Many African American leaders called for violence which angered some white Civil Rights supporters. This created a very angry atmosphere.
2) The death of Martin Luther king impacted many whites and blacks because it touched off both national mourning and riots in over one hundred cities.
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