a. Brown v. Board of Education
-Plessy v. Ferguson
-Oliver Brown, a parent to a kid who was denied access to one of Topeka's all white school, went to court saying that segregation for education violated the Constitution's Equal Protection Clause because the schools were not equal
- They ruled in favor of Brown saying that every kid should be given an equal education -
1. Emmet Louis Till Murder
-Money, Mississippi
-Emmet Till, a black boy from the North traveled down South to visit his uncle in Money. While there he whistled at a white women, resulting in him being brutally murdered. -
b.Rosa Parks arrested for refusing to give up her bus seat
-Rosa parks refused to give up her bus seat to a white man, and she ended up in jail
-The bus boycott that lasted 381 days long -
d. Events at Little Rock, Arkansas
-In Little Rock Arkansas, nine black students were admitted to an all white school. But, on the first day of school they were met with mobs of white people protesting. This continued and eventually the nine black students had to be escorted by the national guard
-The federal government sent national troops to protect these nine students -
c. Civil Rights Act of 1957
-President Eisenhower
-Ended segregation for voting -
2. Mack Charles Parker murder
-Poplarville Mississippi
-Parker was accused of raping a white pregnant women. Before actually going on trial though, he was kidnapped from jail and was beat and brutally murdered -
e. Attack of the Freedom Riders
-The freedom riders traveled down to the South and ride buses to protest. They wouldn't get up for whites, and while it was a nonviolent act, they got beaten and sometimes killed.
-The freedom riders were black and white -
f. James Meredith enrolls at Ole Miss
-Chaos broke out on campus, and riots resulting in two dead, hundreds wounded, and many others arrested.
-The Kennedy Administration sent in national troops to break up the riots -
3. William Lewis Moore murder
-Attalla, Alabama
-Moore was a CORE member. He did lone man protests ans was murdered during one of these -
g. Medgar Evers Assassinated
-Medgar Evers was a civil rights activist. He organized voting efforts, demonstrations, and many other things included in the civil rights movement
-Because Evers was such a high profile in the NAACP, he was a target to whites who didn't like desegregation. He was killed on his driveway and a hour later died in the hospital. -
h. The March on Washington
-The purpose of the March on Washington was for job equality and freedom
-"I Have a Dream" -
i. Civil Rights Act of 1964
-President Lyndon Johnson
-The law stated that discrimination against people of the opposite race, color, religion, sex, or nationality was outlawed -
j. March to Selma
-The march was a result of the death of Jimmie Lee Jackson who was fatally killed by an Alabama State Trooper
-Alabama state troopers wielding whips, nightsticks and tear gas beat them back to Selma
-THe outcome of it all was the protesters made it to Montgomery, and the Voting Rights Act was passed -
4. Oneal Moore murder
-Varnado, Louisiana
-Moore was the first black deputy sheriff. He was killed one night by member of the KKK. -
5. Benjamin Brown murder
-Jackson, Mississippi
-Brown was a truck driver and civil rights activist. He was shot and killed one night by local police officers during a student protest. -
k. Thurgood Marshall first black Supreme Court Justice
-Marshall was a lawyer, one court case that he did was Brown v. Board of Education
-This was monumental because he was the first black supreme court justice, and it showed how far the civil rights movement had come -
l. The Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther KIng
-Dr. King went down to Memphis,Tennessee to give a speech and protest about the unequal jobs between blacks and whites. On the night of his death he was sitting out on his balcony where he was shot. He was rushed to the hospital and the doctors performed a cardiopulmonary resuscitation. His heart was not good enough for the surgery and he was pronounced dead at 7:05 p.m.
- His death had such a big impact because he was such an important figure in the civil rights movement. He was looked up to