Brown v. Board of Education
It happened in May 17, 1954. Oliver Bacon the father of Linda Brown. And a NAACP lawyer. It took place in Kansas, South Carolina, Virginia, Delaware, and D.C. it overturned Plessy v. Ferguson. -
Voting Rights Act (1965)
Happened in August 6, 1955. LBJ passed a law in Washington. Banned literacy test. And poll tax voting is a federal matter not a state matter. -
Murder of Emmett Till
It happened in August 28, 1955. He died at the age of 14. Carolyn Bryant was supposedly whistled at. And Roy Bryant and J.W Milan killed Emmett. Happened in Money Mississippi. It sparked the courts rights movement. -
Rosa Parks and the Bus Boycott
It happened in December 1, 1955. If you were colored you had to sit in the back. But Rosa parks didn’t want to move to the back. And so they called the police. And this sparked a bunch of protests. -
Southern Christian Leadership Conference
The conference happened between January 10-11, 1957. MLK and sixty black ministers and civil rights leaders preached about civil rights activism It happened in Atlanta Georgia. And it was the SCLC that held it. -
Little Rock 9
On September 4, 1957 NAACP had nine black students go to high school. It took place in Little Rock Arkansas. But it got so bad President Eisenhower sent soldiers to protect them so they could go to school safely. -
Greensboro Sit ins
On January 1, 1960 four college students sit in at a counter for food. It took place in Greensboro North Carolina. They could buy the items but not be served there food. -
Ruby Bridges
On November 14, 1960 Ruby Bridges a six year old went to a school. And only one teacher from Boston would teach her Barbara Henry. Ruby would be escorted by four marshals. And white parents would take there kids out of class. -
Freedom Riders
On May 4, 1961 - December 10, 1961 students would be on buses and went all through the south. The CORE, SNCC, NAACP, and the Nashville student movement all did it. -
March on Washington
On August 28, 1963, it was peaceful and respectful protest. They were protesting for jobs and freedom and MLK gave his I have a dream speech. Around 250,000 people attended. -
Civil Rights Act (1964)
On July 12, 1964, the people involved were MLK and LBJ. It took place in Washington D.C. It enabled the federal government to present racial discrimination and segregation based on race, color, and religion. -
Assassination of Malcom X
Malcolm X was shot and killed on February 21, 1965, while giving a speech in New York City. The shooters were members of the Nation of Islam, a group he had left after disagreeing with their leader. Even though he died, his ideas and fight for equal rights still inspire people today. -
Selma to Montgomery Marches (Bloody Sunday)
It took place in March 7, 1965. The SCLC marched from Selma to Montgomery Alabama. When they got over a bridge they were stopped. But they did not leave so they were beaten by cops. -
Assassination of MLK
Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated on April 4, 1968, while standing on the balcony of his hotel in Memphis, Tennessee. He was shot by James Earl Ray, who did not agree with his fight for civil rights. His death was a huge loss, but his dream for equality still lives on today.