Jackie Robinson
During this time segregation was taken very seriously however it was penetrated by an African American baseball player whom joined the MLB as the first negro to play baseball. This was huge because I believe it was the start of ending segregation. -
Brown v. Board of Education
The U.S Supreme Court ruled that segregation in public schools violated the 14th amendment. I believe this had a huge impact on the break down of segregation however even more so it allowed African American children tonreceive equal education. -
Emmet Till
Emmet Till was an African American boy whom was beaten, dragged and killed for making a flirtatious comment towards a white women. The white males whom committed the crime admitted to there wrongings and still were not acquitted for murder charges. This event is often surpassed however I see it as one of the biggest events in the Civil Rights movement because it unified many African Americans and was the reasoning behind the starting of the Montgomery Bus Boycott. -
Ruby Bridges Integration
Ruby Bridges whom was a 9 year old African American girl set the foundation and the baseline for integrating schools in the south. Her bravery caused many other students to integrate schools in the south which led to more education for African American children. -
I Have A Dream
Martin Luther King Jr.’s speech is possibly the most impactful event when regarding the Civil Rights movement. I believe it held a lot of power due to the fact that MLK had provided a very powerful message as well as a powerful platform for himself, although more importantly I believe it created an even larger impact due to the political platform on which he had been speaking and how he did not use any violence throughout his protests. -
Civil Rights Act
Due to the campaign of MLK and his nonviolent protests, movements and resistance, the Civil Rights movement took off with momentum and President Kennedy was able to take the movement to a high political level in which ultimately led to equality for all through the Civil Rights Act.