The Montgomery Bus Boycott
This occured when Rosa Parks was arrested. Afircan Americans in Montgomery had organized a boycott of the bus system. Mass protests began across the nation. It was 13 months and ended making buses become unconstitional. -
Civil Rights Act of 1957
It was inteded to protect the right of African Americans to vote. It was created by Attorney General Herbert Brownell, -
The Little Rock 9
The school board in Little Rock, Arkansas, won a court order requiring that nine African Amercian students be admitted to Central High, a school with 2,000 white students. Orval Faubus ordered troops from the Arkansas National Guard to prevent the 9 students from entering the school. They surrounded the school, including an angry white mob joining them to intimidate and protest against them. -
The Sit-In Movement
African Americans students staged sit-ins and formed the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee to organize efforts for desegregation and voter registration throughout the South. It brought in large numbers of idealistic and energized college students in to the civil rights struggle. -
The Freedom Riders
Teams of African Americans and white volunteers to travel into the South to draw attention to its refusal to integrate bus terminals. They rode on the interstate buses to challenge the United States. At first, there was only minor encounters, but eventually, htye were beaten. -
James Meredith and the Desegregation of the University of Mississippi
James Meredith became the first black student to be in enrolled to the University of Mississippi. Kennedy dispatched 500 federal marshals to escort him out of the university beforehand in September 1962. Eventually, 160 marshals were wounded and Meredith went tot the University of Mississippi under federal guard until he graudated in August. -
Protests in Birmingham
Connor set police dogs on to the protesters and suddenly Birmingham got national attention. King was arrested for defying an injunction that denied his right to march. -
The March on Washington
More than 200,000 demonstrators of all races flocked to the nation's capital. The audience heard peeches and sang hymns and songs as they gathered peacefully near the Lincoln Memorial. Dr.King said a powerful speech there. -
Civil Rights Act of 1964
It was signed by President Johnson. It was the most comprehensive vivl rights law Congress had ever enacted. It gave the federal government broad power to prevent racial discrimination in a numnber of ares. It made segrgation illegal in most places of public accomodation, and it gave citizens of all races and nationalities equal access tp public facilities. -
The Selma March
It was a "march for freedom". It was from Slema to the state capitol in Montgomery of about 50 miles. Hosea Williams and John Lewis led the march. 100 out of 600 marchers required medical attention by the end of the march because of fractured skulls, broken teeth and limbs, and gas poisioning -
Voting Rights Act of 1965
It authorized the U.S. attorney general to send federal examiners to register qualified voters, bypassing local officials who often refused to register African Americans. It also suspended discriminatory devices like literacy test in countries where less than half of all adults had been registered to vote. -
Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.
Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated by firearm by James Earl Ray. He was murdered in Memphis Tennessee and fatally shot.