Civil rights Timeline

  • Sweatt VS Painter

    Sweatt VS Painter
    The Supreme Court ruled that the white schools were getting better supplies and told the students to use them. The black people were getting "left" overs and they were supplied with the same tools as the white schools were. separate but equal.
  • Emmett Tills murder

    Emmett Tills murder
    Emmett Till was murdered while going to a gas station to get a snack. The white owner said that he was catcalling the owner's wife, which led her family to find him and kill him for no reason. While the woman was on her death bed she said that it was all a lie.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    This was a show by African Americans by them refused to ride city buses in Alabama. This stopped the segregation on buses.
  • Little Rock Nine Crisis

    Little Rock Nine Crisis
    Black students were held back from entering the segregated school. This resulted in the 101st airborne to protect the black students
  • civil rights act

    civil rights act
    This act took away the ability to interfere with colored people's right to register to vote. Now everyone can vote and have their own say in things.
  • Greensboro sit-in

    Greensboro sit-in
    Black students who lived in Greensboro decided to protest their rights. One day they went to Woolworths and sat at the bar. They knew that they would be mistreated so they prepared themselves for what was going to happen. They had many things poured and thrown at them.
  • Freedom riders

    Freedom riders
    Black and White activists rode buses together threw the South to challenge local laws. Then it got very violent when racists threw homemade firebombs.
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    The largest gathering of civil rights if it time. They were protesting for jobs and rights for the black people. This is where MLK made his "I Have a Dream" speech.
  • The assassination of Malcolm X

    The assassination of Malcolm X
    He was a black muslim minister and human rights activist who was a popular figure during the civil rights movement. He was shot multiple times and died from his wounds in New York. He was seen as the military version of MLK
  • The assassination of MLK

    The assassination of MLK
    MLK was the most well-known human rights activist. He was a preacher who was known for his " I Have a Dream" speech. At 6:05 pm he was shot dead while standing on a balcony outside of his second-floor room at Lorraine Motel, TN.
  • Swann VS Charlotte- Mecklenburg Schools

    Swann VS Charlotte- Mecklenburg Schools
    It established that the federal courts had the authority to intervene regarding the desegregation of schools in the states.They were trying to get black and white students to

    ride on the buses together.
  • Shirley Chisloms presidential campaign

    Shirley Chisloms presidential campaign
    This is when she first said that she was going to be running for president and she was the first black woman to run in the history of the United States of America. She started her "bloodless revolution".
  • Hanks Aarons Home Run record

    Hanks Aarons Home Run record
    He was known for hitting more home runs than anyone else in baseball history black or white. He played for Milwaukee brewer and the Atlanta braves.
  • Barbara Jordan Address at the democratic National Convention

    Barbara Jordan Address at the democratic National Convention
    She was the first woman to make a keynote address. She also received the presidential medal of freedom she was also the first African American to be buried in the texas state cemetery.
  • University of California Regents VS Bakke

    University of California Regents VS Bakke
    A law that was passed that you couldn't be denied by the color of your skin for the college.