Civil Rights Timeline

  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    The court case that allowed seperate but equal facilities wasn Plessy v. Ferguson. The reason this case started was because a class action suit was was to be filed toward the Board of Education in Topeka Kansas.The result was to outlaw school segregation.
  • Rev. George Lee Killed

    The Rev. George Lee was killed because he lead voter-registration drive.
  • Lamar Smith Murdered

    Lamar Smith organized black voters and was killed for it.
  • Emmett Louis Till murder

    Emmett Till was killed because he tried to speak to a white woman.
  • John Earl Reese

    John Earl Reese was killed by people who were against improvement of schools.
  • Rosa Parks arrested

    Rosa Parks arrested
    Rosa Parks was riding a bus after a long day when a white man demanded she get out of the seat for him. When she refused, she was arrested.
  • Bus boycott

    A bus boycott in Montgomery started on this day.
  • Segregated seating

    Segregated seating was banned by the Supreme court on Montgomery buses.
  • Willie Edwards Jr. killed

    Klansmen killed Willie Edwards Jr. in Montgomery, Alabama
  • Civil rights act

    Civil rights act
    President Eisenhower passed the Civil Rights Act of 1957. This law states that all Americans have the right to vote.
  • Enforce desegregation

    Enforce desegregation
  • Mack Charles Parker

    Mack Charles Parker was taken out of jail and killed.
  • Sit in

    At a "whites only" lunch counter, black students had a sit-in.
  • Bus terminals

    The Supreme Court banned segregation from any buses.
  • Freedom Riders

    Freedom Riders
    The Congress of Racial Equality, which is a civil rights group, sent out Freedom Riders which were buses used to protest segregation. Freedom riders weren't just African Americans, they were Whites too.
  • Herbert Lee

    Herbert Lee, who was a voter registration worker was killed by a white legislator.
  • Registration drive

    Cvil rights groups launched a voter registration drive.
  • Cpl. Roman Ducksworth Jr. killed

    Roman Ducksworth was killed by police after being taken from a bus.
  • Riots

    James Meredith tried to enroll in Ole Miss but riots erupted. The government came in to ensure the safety of James.
  • Paul Guihard killed

    Paul Guihard who was a French reporter was killed in the Ole Miss riot.
  • William Lewis Moore

    William Lewis Moore was killed during a segregation march.
  • Children attack

    Police in Birmingham attacked children with fire hoses and dogs.
  • George Wallace

    George Wallace who was the Governer of Alabama stopped university integration.
  • Medgar Evers

    Medgar Evers
  • March

    The March's purpose was to show the challenges that Africans Americans faced. This was where Martin Lither King made his famous "I had a dream" speech.
  • Schoolgirls

    The schoolgirls Addie Mae Collins, Denise Mcnair, Carole Robertson, and Cynthia Wesley were killed in the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church bombing.
  • Virgil Lamar Ware

    Virgil Lamar Ware was killed during a racist violence wave.
  • Poll Tax

    In federal elections, poll tax was outlawed.
  • Louis Allen

    Louis Allen who witnessed a civil rights worker murder was killed.
  • Bruce Klunder killed

    Rev. Bruce Klunder was killed while protesting.
  • Henry Hezekiah & Charles Eddie Moore

    Henry Hezekiah and Charles Eddie Moore were killed by Klansmen
  • Freedom summer

    1,000 young civil rights volunteers were recruited by Freedom SUmmer.
  • Workers abducted

    James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwerner who were civil rights workers were kidnapped and killed.
  • President Johnson

    President Johnson
    President Johnson passed the Civil rights law of 1964 which is what ends discrimination against race, color, reliion, sex, or national origin.
  • Lt. Col. Lemuel Penn killed

    Lemuel Penn was killed by Klansmen.
  • Jimmie Lee Jackson

    Jimmie Lee Jackson who was a civil rights marcher was killed by a state trooper.
  • Marchers

    Marchers were beat back by state troopers.
  • Rev. James Reeb

    A march volunteer was beaten to death.
  • Voting Rights March

    Voting Rights March
    The Selma March was organized to get black voters in the south. The marchers faced violent resistance. The outcome led them to reach their goal.
  • Viola Gregg Liuzzo

    Viola was killed by Klansmen.
  • Oneal Moore killed

    Nightstanders killed a black officer.
  • Voting Rights

    The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was passed by Congress
  • Willie Brewster

    Nighstanders killed Willie Brewster.
  • Jonathon Daniels

    Deputy killed seminary student.
  • Samuel Younge Jr.

    Student civil rights activist, Samuel Younge Jr, was killed
  • Vernon Dahmer

    Vernon Dahmer who was a black community leader is killed by Klan bombing.
  • Ben Chestner White

    Klansmen kill Ben Chestner White.
  • Clarence Triggs

    Nightriders kill Clarence Triggs.
  • Wharlest Jackson

    After promotion to a 'white' job, Wharlest Jackson, who was a civil rights worker was killed.
  • Benjamin Brown

    Benjamin Brown is killed by police.
  • Thurgood Marshall

    Thurgood Marshall
    Before becoming first Supreme Court justice, Thurgood was a lawyer. It was a large achievement for African Americans.
  • Students killed

    Samuel Hammond Jr, Delano Middleton, and Henry Smith was killed by patrolmen.
  • Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

    Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
    Martin Luther King was killed at the Lorraine Motel. It had a big impact on both whites and blacks because he was a civil rights worker who mad a change with his speech.