Brown v. Board of Education
Who was involved: Oliver Brown- father of Linda Brown
Where did this take place hansas- Aiso south Carolina, Virginia
What happened Overturn Plessy v. {eggoson-a-00 -
Murder of Emmett Till
Who wasinvolved: Carolen Beyant la years od - Roy Bryant
Where did this take place Money, MissisSipP:
What happened whistled at a white woman -
Rosa Parks and the Bus Boycott
Who was involved: Rosa Park
Where did this take place Montgomery , Alabama What happened Black woman didnt give away
hel Sit toa white person -
Southern Christian Leadership Conference
Who was involved: M.LK and 60 black minsters civil rights
Where did this take place Atlanta, Geargia
What happened SCLC war an organsation -
Little Rock 9
Who was involved: NAACP. 9 Black stidents
Where did this take place Little rock, Arkansa -
Greensboro Sit ins
Who was involved: Callge students - starts with u Where did this take place Greensber, North Carolina What happened Ubalmorth's Lunch canter - could -
Ruby Bridges
Who was involved: Ruby Bridges
Where did this take place New Orleans, Louistana
What happened One of 6 black childen ts pass
1 hard test to go to a while schoos
She was escorted by Federal -
Freedom riders
Who was involved: 4 36
on 60 separate cone SNCC, NAAP groups
Nashvilie student movement.
Where did this take place southern states -
Civil Rights Act (1964)
Who was involved: M.L.K and LBJ
Where did this take place Washington D.C
What happened Enabled the Federal Goverment to prevent racial discrimination and segretation based on race, color. religion or nacional origen in private buisness and public Facilities. -
Assassination of Malcom X
Who was involved: Thomas Hagan
Where did this take place New gork, NY. Auduban Ballroom -
Selma to Montgomery
“Bloody Sunday “
Who sclc John Lewis
Where Selma Alabama -
Voting Rights Act (1965)
Who was involved: L B Johnson
Where did this take place Washington D.C
What happened banned litercy test polltax. voting is a federal matter nat a state matter -
March on Washington
Who was involved: 250, 800
Where did this take place washig on DC
What happened Peacefull and respectful
for jobs
Freedom. Martin Luther King
his "| have a dream" speech
It was the last speech of the day. -
Assassaination of Martin Luther king
Martin Luther King Jr. was an American Baptist minister, activist, and political philosopher who was one of the most prominent leaders in the civil rights movement from 1955 until his assassination in 1968