Civil Rights Timeline

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    Brown vs Board of Education

    This was a new decision by the supreme court. It expanded on the 'seperate but equal' qualities and demolished it. These were the first steps to fully non segregated schools.
  • Rosa Parks Arrest

    Rosa Parks was a freedom activist. On a bus where the whites were the only allowed to sit at the front, she made a stand. She sat at the front and did not give up her seat, and was arrested.
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    Montgomery Bus Boycott

    This was a political social protest campaign. It was targeted against the segregation on buses. This is related to the situation with Rosa Parks.
  • Little Rock 9

    This was the event of 9 black students granted the permission to come to a white only school. Outside the school were over a 1000 angry white protestors. Only one student was removed during the process.
  • Sit-Ins

    Sit-Ins were another form of freedom protest. African Americans would walk into white only shops and restaurants and protest by just being silent. Many would be arrested.
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    Freedom Riders

    Freedom Riders were civil right activists. They would ride interstate buses in their form of protest. This lasted for about 5 months.
  • Birmingham Protests

    The birmingham protest's were against the civil rights system. These were in the streets and there was a bomb blown off. Around 14 were injured in the explosion.
  • March On Washington

    The March was a political march. Many gathered in front of the washington monument to march for civil rights. This was a one time thing, but motivated many.
  • JFK Assassination

    JFK was the current president of this time. One day, there was a parade he was attending. He was then shot in his car in the head.
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    Mississipi Summer Project

    This can also be known as 'Freedom Summer'. This was the process of getting as many african american voters as they could in the state of Mississipi. This lasted for around 2 months.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    There was much segregation and discomfort in the country before. However, after this act was implemented, there was no longer as much segregation in the country. This act is still in place today.
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    Selma Marches

    The Selma Marches were a political march. They marched all the way to Montgomery. This was a whole 54 miles.
  • Voting Rights Act

    There was prior discrimination in the voting process. Many wanted this abolished, and in the year after the Civil Rights Act it happened. In this act, all racial discrimination in terms of voting was abolished.
  • MLK Assassination

    MLK was a major civil right activist. He was the one who gave the 'I have a dream' speech. However, on this day, he was shot and murdered.