Civil Rights Timeline

  • Founding of CORE

    Founding of CORE
    Congress of Racial Equality (CORE): An organization founded in 1942 by students; fought for the equal rights of blacks peacefully.
  • Integration of Military

    Integration of Military
    Executive Order 9981: An executive order made by Harry S. Truman banning segregation in the military. Reasons:
    - to assist the moral ground of the United States in promoting democracy abroad (against Nazi Germany and then the Soviet Union)
    -to be sure to have black soldiers fight in the next possible conflict
    -to help start to solve problems like what happened with Isaac Woodard.
  • Brown v Board Decision

    Brown v Board Decision
    Multiple cases in one, they chose to have Brown case be the header, as it was a northern state. Ended with decision of desegregating schools "with all deliberate speed", finding it unconstitutional. Lead way to desegregation.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott starts

    Montgomery Bus Boycott starts
    A few days after Rosa Parks event, 90% of blacks who usually rode the bus did not for a day to boycott the racism of having to move and sit in the back for white people. MLK's first organized event.
  • Little Rock Nine

    Little Rock Nine
    Nine black students in Little Rock attend a white school, following the ban on segregation of schools. Big deal and have to be protected by soldiers.
  • Sit-ins 1st example

    Sit-ins 1st example
    Boycotting and disrupting business of racist stores/locations by sitting in them and refusing to move.
  • Freedom Rides

    Freedom Rides
    An interstate bus journey by black and white activists who entered segregated bus facilities together throughout the South. Sought to make it an "interstate" issue, which would push brown v. board, instead of State's issue.
  • James Meredith (Enrolls at Ol' Miss)

    James Meredith (Enrolls at Ol' Miss)
    James Meredith, a black veteran, enrolled at a very white rooted college in Mississippi. When not accepted, he took the case to court with the NAACP, with presidential help, as a continuation of the Brown vs. Board decision to apply to colleges. Through many problems, he eventually graduated and such.
  • Birmingham

    Civil Rights effort to desegregate Birmingham, Alabama. Shocking elements of police brutality.
    Planned by SCLC - lots of media attention.
    MLK's arrest - letter from birmingham jail
    Turned into a children's crusade.
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    March on Washington, 1963 - massive demonstration in the Nation’s capital that demanded passage of a federal civil rights act and more economic opportunities.
    “Jobs and Freedom” slogan
    20,000 - largest political protest to that time
    “I have a dream”
    Broadcast worldwide live on TV
    Built more widespread support for civil rights
  • Freedom Summer

    Freedom Summer
    Multi Pronged attack on white supremacy in Mississippi that included a 1)voter registration drive and 2) the creation of Freedom Schools. 3 workers disappear who are going down to help.
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Legislation that 1)banned segregation in businesses and places open to the public (such as restaurants and public schools) and 2) prohibited racial and gender discrimination in employment
    Result of thousands of individuals risking their safety, as well as the high-profile events of the last 18 months.f
  • Voting Rights Act

    Voting Rights Act
    Legislation that prohibited literacy tests and poll taxes, plus authorized the use of federal registrars to register voters if states failed to respect the Fifteenth Amendment
  • Selma March (1st one)

    Selma March (1st one)
    Last win for nonviolent Civil Rights, LBJ sent voting act to congress, helped gain white support for Civil Rights.
  • King Assassination

    King Assassination
    Three weeks of urban riots and upheaval diminished white support while civil rights lost its most prominent spokesman.