End of white primary
Ellis Arnall influenced the court desicion to stop the practice of white primary because it disenfranchised African American voters. Blacks could vote during the primary election for either non-racist or black canidates. Racist white canidated didnt automatically advance to the General Election anymore. The county unit system still gav rural counties an advantage, which is where most of the racist voters lived. -
Period: to
Civil rights timeline
Herman Talmadge
Herman Talmadge, like his dad, was a racist govenor that supported segregation.Talmadge becamme the govenor during the "3 govenors controversy" when his dad, Eugene Talmadge, won the 1946 govenor's race. Eugene died before he was able to take office. Hrman recived write-in votes because the voters knew that his dad was sick. The Georgia Supreme Court said that a spcial election had to be held between Herman Talmadge and Melvin Thompson. Herman won with the help of the county unit system. -
Brown v. Board of education
This US Supreme court case overruled the 1896 Plessly vs Ferguson case that made the segregation of races legal as long the facilities were equal. All 9 of the Supreme justices ruled that segrgation didnt provide equal oppertunities for African Americans and facilities. This ruling meant that states had to outlaw segregation in public schools. -
SNCC (Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee)
All throughout the south groups of young blacks and whites that were influced by Dr.King's methods of non-violence and civil disobedience. These young kids started boycotting segregated buissnesses, using sit-ins to cause businesses to lose money and progressily desegregate. SNCC also did Freedon Rids to help them protest. -
Sibley Commission
Many schools in Georgia threatned to close their school if they had to desegregate. The Sibley Commission was used to help Georgia counties integrate their schools. Because Georgia was slow at desegregating schools, the federal government threatned to cut funding to Georgia schools. -
Albany Movement
The Albany Movement was organized by many civil rights groups to bring the attention to city of Albany,Georgia. Albany had many African American and public segregated buildings. The movement icluded boycotts and protsts. Protestors also helped African Americans to vote in the south. The protsting came to a hault when the Albany police arrested Dr.King and alot of protestors. This caused overpopulationg jails and caused the police to put activists in near by county jails. -
Civil Rights Act
President Jonh F. Kennedy gave a telivised speech talking about the importanc of civil rights for all americans. He asked Congress to outlaw discrimination and segregation to protect the freedom of African Americans. The bill was passed in the Senate and the House of Representatives and was signed by President Lydon B. Johnson. -
Lestor Maddox
In 1967, Lestor Maddox became the govenor of Georgia. He shut down his own buisiness instad of desegregating, When he became the govenor, he hired and promoted mand African American government jobs. Maddox also integregatd the Georgia State Highway Patrol and GBI. He was the first to appoint the first African American to head of the state department. -
Maynard Jackson
In 1974, Maynard Jackson became the first African American mayor in Atlanta,Georgia. Jackson was important in expanding and modernizing the Atlanta airports and helping it become the most busiest airport in the world. It employed thousands of workers in Atlanta. To honor his contributation the Atlanta Hartsfild-Jackson airport was named aftr him. Maynard also played a role in bringing the 1996 olympics to Atlanta,Georgia. -
Andrew Young
Andrew Young was a former Civil Rights activist during th Civil Rights Movement and was friends with Dr.King. Young became the first African American US Reprsentative from Georgia. President Jimmy Carter appointed Young as the first African Americaan UN Ambassador. He also become the mayor of Atlanta and helped bring th olympics to Georgia.