Civil Rights timeline

  • Plessy vs. Ferguson

    This case made racial segregation legal.
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    Baton Rouge Bus Boycott

    Free taxis were given to black people so they didn't have to ride the bus.
  • Brown Vs. Board of education

    This ended segregation in public schools
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    Montgomery Bus Boycott

    A civil rights protest where African Americans refused to ride the city buses. This resulted in segregated seating to be illegal.
  • Little Rock Nine

    Nine African American students went to a white school.
  • Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee

    The SNCC gave students the opportunity to fight for equality.
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    Sit-in at Greensboro

    A series of protests where African Americans refused to leave after being denied service.
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    Freedom Riders

    Groups of White and Black civil rights activists who took bus trips through the South to protest.
  • Albany Movement

    This movement was a desegregation campaign formed in Albany Georgia.
  • Birmingham Campaign

    This was a movement used to bring attention to integration efforts of black people.
  • March on Washington

    The famous march known for hosting MLK's I have a dream speech.
  • Birmingham Church Bombing

    A terrorist bombing of white supremacists of the Baptist Church in Birmingham.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    This act ended segregation in public places.
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    march from selma to montgomery

    These were three protest marches from Selma to montgomery.
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965

    This act banned racial discrimination against voting.
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    Watts Riots

    A series of violent riots where over 3,000 were arrested and 34 dead.
  • Black Panther Party

    A party of self defense for African Americans.
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    1968 Olympics

    These Olympics are so significant because two black athletes, Tommie Smith and John Carlos, raised their hand during the star spangled banner.