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Civil Rights Timeline

  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    Campaign against the policy of racial segregation on the public transit system of Montgomery, Alabama. The color people had to sit in the back of the bus but if the bus got too full they had to give up their seat to a white passenger.
  • Birmingham Campaign

    Birmingham Campaign
    Martin Luther King and the SCLC joined forces with local Birmingham activists.
  • Integration of Little Rock Nine

    Integration of Little Rock Nine
    The color students was swarm by a mob of white people who didn’t want them in the school.
  • First lunch counter sit-in

    First lunch counter sit-in
    A group of color student went to sit at the sit-in counter, but the waitress refused to serve them at the counter.
  • Freedom Rides

    Freedom Rides
    Freedom Riders were civil rights activists who rode buses into the segregated southern United States in 1961.
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    Martin Luther King lead the march of color people over 250,000 thousand people in Washington.
  • Civil Right Act

    Civil Right Act
    Discrimination on basis of race, sex, religion or national origins were banned and everyone had equal rights.
  • Voting Right Act

    Voting Right Act
    Color people protested and got the right to vote.