Brown Vs. Board of Education Ruling
*Thurgood Marshall, argued for Brown in the case. NAACP's Lawyer.
*Linda Brown wanted to go to a white school, case was argued at the supreme court
*Schools became de-segregated -
Jackie Robinson added to the Brooklyn Dodgers
*Color Line, A figurative wall between people based off the color of their skin
*Jackie Robinson was taunted and threatened a lot just because he joined a white team
*Jackie broke the color line wall and by the 1950's more and more blacks were joining pro leagues -
Executive Order 9981
*Segregation, The act of separating people such as blacks and other minorities from whites
*Executive Order 9981 made it so that there was no segregation in the Armed forces
*Even though blacks helped during WW11, they were still so badly segregated that president Truman vowed to help them -
Congress of Racial equality founded (CORE)
*Civil Rights, protected individuals freedom from the government
*Group of Students founded
*Counseled migrants, and black social workers
*First action was sit-in at a segregated coffee shop -
Birmingham Campaign: Letter from a Birmingham Jail
* Martin Luther King Jr. wrote a letter from his jail cell responding to the whites and telling them why he was still fighting for equality and he wasn't going to wait.
*Birmingham was considered the most racist city in America -
Civil Rights act of 1964
*Plessy Vs. Ferguson, landmark that has the segregation laws on it
*Civil Rights act of 1964 was the most important civil rights act since reconstruction
*LBJ pushed hard for the Civil Rights act and despite it being rejected at first it finally passed in 1964 -
First Lunch Counter Sit in
*Jim Crow laws & Sit Ins, blacks protested by sitting at white only places and refused to move which caused businesses to lose customers
*The first sit in was with 4 black students who stayed all day at a drugstore in North Carolina but were not served
*May 10th 1960 businesses in Nashville gave into the sit ins and got ride of some segregation laws -
Freedom Rides
*Civil disobedience & SNCC, SNCC trained people in civil disobedience which was to peacefully disobey unjust laws
*Blacks and whites from the north took buses south to test if southerners were obeying anti-segregation laws
*May 14 1961 whites from the souths caught a freedom riders bus on fire and blacks on the second freedom riders bus were beaten -
Integration of Central high school
*Little Rock Nine, 9 black students who were the first black students in white schools in the south
* Orval Faubus a local governor ordered the national guard to keep the students from getting in the school
*President Eisenhower ordered executive order 10730 which was for the students to have a military escort for part of their school year -
March on Washington
*NAACP, organization that works to ensure the equality of all people in education, politics, socially, and economically
*250,000 people marched on Washington protesting equality
*It was the largest political gathering ever in the United States -
Montgomery Bus Boycott (Start)
*Boycott & Rosa Parks, Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on the bus and was arrested which led to blacks boycotting or giving up riding the buses
*Rosa Parks inspired other blacks to protest for rights by refusing the white's rules
*the boycott was so successful that it was extended longer than what was originally planned -
Voting Rights act of 1965
*Disenfranchise, not being allowed to vote
*Congress passed a law that made it so that you did not have to take tests in order to be able to vote
*In Mississippi the amount of eligible black voters that registered to vote increased 52% -
Black Panther Party Founded
*Black Power, the ability for blacks to shape the country
*Black Panther was a group of blacks that wanted equality and rights and were ready to be violent to achieve their goals
*Blacks from the Black Panther did not back down from whites -
Period: to
Advocates For Black Nationalism
*Nation of Islam & Malcolm X, Malcolm X was a convict that became a black muslim while in jail, nation of islam was the name for the black muslims
*Malcolm X became one of the best preachers for the black muslims once he got out of jail
*black muslims believed that they should separate from the whites
*Malcolm was assassinated when he changed his heart an excepted living together with whites -
Regents of the University of California V. Bakke
*affirmative action, policy where employers wanted to hire minorities
*Bakke was a white student that wanted to go to a medical school but was rejected twice, he claimed that it was because he was white and he sued
*the case was very controversial because the court said race could affect the decision on letting students in the university but it could not be the main reason to reject someone -
Civil Right act of 1968
*discrimination, the unjust treatment of people based on things such as race
*act that made it so that minorities were not segregated when they wanted to buy, sell, rent, or finance housing
*the law also let the government file lawsuits against people breaking the act -
Swann Vs. Charlotte Mecklenburg Board of education
*desegregation, ending of a racist policy
*a judge and the supreme court ruled that school buses were a good way to achieve integration
*lots of people did not want blacks and whites to mix on school buses, lots of white children boycotted the school buses -
Watts Riot
*Kerner commission & ghettos, ghettos are a place in a large city where a certain ethnic group lives Kerner commission was the national advisory group that said that the riot was caused by white racism
*Watts Riot which lasted 6 days was caused by a mad group of blacks in las Angels they were mad about all the prejudice, poverty, and police treatment
*the Kerner commission was made by LBJ to find the cause of the riot