Declaration of independence
what to a slave is the fourth of july
abraham lincoln
Lincoln was a key figure in ending slavery and the Civil War. Lincoln was the 16th president while the Civil War was raging. Though his second term ended short his contributions were the start of civil rights. -
Civil war
The civil war was kicked off and it was the defining war for first rights. without the Civil War slavery would have stayed policy in the south. Truly a defining moment in history and the start of civil rights. -
lincoln's second inaugural address
Southern Horrors: Lynch Laws in All Its Phases
Rosa parks bus protest
Rosa Parks' refusal to give up her bus seat to a white man led to her arrest in Montgomery, Alabama. This sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott, led by Martin Luther King, Jr., which ended over a year later when the U.S. Supreme Court declared bus segregation laws unconstitutional, marking a pivotal moment in the civil rights movement. -
Thurgood Marshall
Thurgood Marshall was one of America's foremost attorneys. As chief of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, he led the legal fight against segregation, argued the historic 1954 case Brown v. Board of Education, and ultimately became the nation's first Black Supreme Court Justice. -
Mary White Ovington
Mary White Ovington was deeply involved in two of the most important movements. civil rights and women's suffrage. A 1908 article about race riots drove her to rally other thought leaders and activists to start the NAACP. -
Martin luther king J.r
Martin Luther is a famous civil rights activist known for his peaceful protest. His pacifistic methods sent a surge of change across the nation. The work martin luther put in for the rights of all truly makes him one of the greatest. -
The Desegregation of Interstate Travel
Civil rights activists were disappointed that the president did not introduce any legislation on the issue. However, the Supreme Court issued a ruling in December 1960 that interstate buses and bus terminals were required to integrate. -
letter to my nephew
The March on Washington
On August 28, 1963, a quarter of a million black and white people marched to the washington Memorial in Washington, D.C.. Civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. gave one of his best-known speeches, inspiring the assembled crowd with the words, I have a dream. -
The Voting Rights Act of 1965
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 had one major flaw. It did not address all the legal and illegal methods whites had used to systematically deny blacks the right to vote in state and local elections. The Voting Rights Act amended and fixed this. -
W.E.B. Du Bois
W.E.B. Du Bois was one of the foremost Black intellectuals of his era. Du Bois published many influential works describing the plight of Black Americans and encouraged Black people to embrace their African heritage even as they worked and lived in the United States. -
between the world and me
The Zoot Suit Riots and Wartime Los Angeles